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Re: [ox] [ox-en] press release critique

Raju Mathur wrote on Wed, 2 May 2001 

   While I may also dream of a world where Free Software results in free
   everything, I'm willing to take things one step at a time and make
   money out of Free Software while still being a staunch advocate of
   Freedom from IP.

Freedom and IP are categories from different worlds. In a world, where
"information is free" (in the RMS sense) there is no intellectual
property but only intellectual authorship. Any form of control over
distribution (and this is inherently to property as category)
restricts freedom of information flow.  This is one of the main points
in the discussion on the Oekonux list.

With best regards, Hans-Gert Graebe

     |  PD Dr. Hans-Gert Graebe, Inst. Informatik, Univ. Leipzig |
     |            Augustusplatz, D - 04109 Leipzig               |
     |         	     tel. : [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] - 341 - 97 32 248                |
     |         email: graebe           |
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