[ox-en] no universal absolute singular basis
- From: "I. Claude Harper" <tekell swbell.net>
- Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 07:36:08 -0600
I doubt that this discussion list and its participants are
generally anti-capitalist.
Well I hope people begin to explore the ideas. People tend to think
there is no alternative anymore. That that "Communist" block countries were
the only alternative and they lost, end of story. And no one ever bothers
to even critique it or look for alternatives or even believe we ever lived
Personally, I am irresulute whether capitalism is generally
something good or bad. There are only two areas from which I
definitively want it to fuck off:
why not tell all illegitimate authority to fuck off?
1) Information: It is very terrible to see how in the last 100
years intellectual "property" rights have emerged, so that
information could become a commodity.
These are merely aspects of the full unfolding of capitalism. Information
definitely maginifies it's sort comings. But these just may be our
contemperary perspective. Maybe what you have is a new territory which
seems obviously free to us because it always starts out that way, Now
capitalism is moving into this and turning it all into property. This same
thing happened not that long ago with "physical" property. To the Native
Americans, the land, air, water, etc seemed obviously free to them. Now we
have laws saying that my property line goes all the way to the center of the
earth and all the way up till god knows where. Then at the same time, this
can be violated for the good of things like planes. And so on. That this
makes sense is probably a cultural phenomena that one grows accustomed to
and similary, people can make sense out of the propery rights of information
and grow accustomed to them.
Why should self-unfolding be limited to information? And how can
self-unfolding freely occur under any form of authoritarianism? We are just
dealing with the problems that bother us. But self-enfolding must be
sympathetic to others self-enfolding, people struggle against illegitimate
authority all over.
Free software does a lot against that.
2) Basic Needs: It is a shame that in highly industrialized
countries, people still have to sell their labor in order to
get so basic things as food, clothes, housing, medical care
and education.
Unfortunately, free software seems to have nothing to do with
them. So, a solution for this problem may go far beyond the
principles of free software developement.
I have been making similar suggestions.
Maybe the idea the Free Software is The Germ of The New Society is
misleading mystical jargon. There is no need for there to be a singular
basis for everything. A new society could grow out many separate germs
simultaneously. When I ask question about food (and the basics) previous
responses seem to be like "be patient grasshopper, such won't be solved
until far into the future."
However, there a many simultaneous compatible movements and philosophies
which are already addressing these.
So, you cannot produce a computer program in the same way as you > produce
a car, but only because the word "to produce" means
something *entirely* different in each context! Of course, you
can *both* develope and manufacture computer programs, and you
can *both* develope and manufacture cars. Both, computer
programs and cars, exist as pure information, and both of them
exist as material instances.
enlightening thougths on "developing"
I would add that the final form of the car is necessarily physical in way
that software is not. CD's are not really necessary - yes I know computers
are physical, but the final form of software is information, not any
specific physical form like a car.
What are all these "principles" exactly?
I think, a good categorization is:
1) Legal aspects (With free software you have the following
rights and duties: blah, blah...)
2) cultural and technical aspects that came up with the Linux
project and its Internet-based colaboration
It'd be nice to have a page of just everyone's idea of what the
"fundamental" principles are (and their categories). If something is
another form of libresoftware, what principles can we gaurantee will be
manifest in it.