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Re: [ox-en] Fwd: A Toolkit for Customer Innovation

Hi, Stefan & all!

On Saturday, 18. May 2002 10:52, Stefan Merten wrote:

Another very interesting article from Eric von Hippel and his
environment. It points to some real world trends we already
discussed and which some of us believe point into the
direction of a GPL society.

1. The legal framework is still missing. Stuff created with
   non-free tools, from non-free parts cannot be free.

2. In a free project, stuff like rapid prototyping and CAD will
   be helpful for projects or developers who cannot afford their
   own factory.

   However, IMHO, here, these techniques just decrease
   standardisation and reusability.


 o This is not a transition project.
 o It does not bootstrap any transition project.
 o It does not bootstrap any transitive society.

 o I am frustrated.



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