[ox-en] autonomist list re free software
- From: auskadi <auskadi tvcabo.co.mz>
- Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 05:37:00 +0200
Just before I run out of the house for my 5 am bike ride but given the cross fertalization of late (Felix Stadler etc) I thought it would be good for me to forward what some of the others are saying so here is a collection of recent postings on the aut-op-sy list about OS ....
I have been reading CyberMarx off and on over the last few weeks. It again raises my wonder that so many of these lot miss the point .... anyway I have some thoughts on Johan's comments re immaterial labour but they will have to wait till the sun comes up and I get back
For info:
" SCO plans court attack on Linux GPL "
and the FSF response:
Obviously software will never free anybody from hunger, physical oppression,
wage slavery or the social relations of capitalism. Nonetheless GPL'd
software has been of some interest to some of us due to it appearing to show
some of the characteristics of communism - i.e. commonly owned and built on
unwaged volutary work, etc. The device of the GPL has always had the
limitations of relying on a tactic of a legal "exploit" (if you'll pardon
the geek-ese) which revolutionaries dismiss as a tactic on the grounds that
the state changes the law as and when it suits them. Yet it is clear on a
broad range of fronts (e.g. TRIPS, genetic enclosure, etc.) that the terrain
of "Intellectual Property" (IP) is a major site of struggle now and for the
immediate future. Clearly the existence of GPL'd source (even before its
impact on the profit cycles of proprietal software corps) is perceived as a
threat to IP that cannot be ignored by some capitalists (and their
cheerleaders). Our question is, is that threat real or just a false
perception that can be overcome in practice by a capitalism that can
incorporate business-friendly "open source" side by side with a profit cycle
increasingly reliant on IP?
Hi Paul et al.,
I've just started reading
Johan Söderberg, 'Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist Critique', First Monday
Volume 7, Number 3 - March 4th 2002
Not sure what to make of it so far - I think there might be some interesting
things here, beyond the author's need to defend historical materialism (a la
Cohen, no less) ...
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Anyone involved in Wikipedia, by the way? I noticed an entry on Negri not so
long ago.
I've just started reading
Johan S?derberg, 'Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist Critique', First Monday
Volume 7, Number 3 - March 4th 2002
Looks interesting. Though I'm a bit sceptical of the more radical interpretations of free software. See Redhat's take on free software at http://www.redhat.com/solutions/best_practices/architecture.html for a non-radical take on it by a leading practitioner. "Free" as in market freedom.
Anyone involved in Wikipedia, by the way? I noticed an entry on Negri not so
long ago.
I've added stuff once or twice. Anyone can edit or add stuff. Have a go!
Of course if you edit stuff that's already there, you might be stepping on other people's toes. I added entries where there were none. One place for someone on the list to start might be here:
There's already some references to Anton Pannekoek eg in the (not so good) Libertarian Communism page, but noone has done an entry yet.
You'll probably need to practice editing, in the sandbox first. See
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Not sure what to make of it so far - I think there might be some interesting
things here, beyond the author's need to defend historical materialism (a la
Cohen, no less) ...
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
I've read it now. Yeah, the theoretical framework is a bit clunky, though it drops hard Historical Materialism in the last sentence. Also seems confused between hacking as code-writing and hacking as computer intrusion. Some interesting snippets though, and a nice overview of the topic.
Any german readers have comments on these:
all of which are linked from http://www.streifzuege.org/
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