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Hi,(I know I said I'd shut up for a bit, but I had a thought re. law of the phenomena of our information society, and wanted to put it here at least as a note ...)
On 30-1-4 Niall wrote:
Capitalism is what is it because it's based on paying people to do things they're otherwise not do. Like it or not, industrial society is unthinkable without it. If you want to question that, go examine all those third world sweatshop workers who make almost everything we consume.
On 3-2-4 Rich wrote:
It's also unthinkable without carbon-based life, the hierarchical oppression of man, the enclosure system, the interchangeable part, money-divorced-from-objects, stocks, interest, slavery, the second law of thermodynamics and religion.
:-> First law of thermodynamics dE = TdS - pdV E = Energy T = Temperature S = Entropy p = pressure V = Volume I found this also -- Adam(I am considering now a quanta of information as the *atom* of investigation)
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