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[ox-en] Open Source Software Production: Fact & Fiction,

Gilberto Camara, Open Source Software Production: Fact & Fiction, 
(2004) Mute 27 at 74
A study conducted by the national Institute for Space Research looking 
at OSS production of geoinformation technology. 70 projects.
-       only 6% were based on a loose network of collaborators
-        41% were corporation based projects of which 17 were private 
companies; 8 govt institutions; 4 universities

"Maintaining and supporting an open source software project requires 
considerable resources, beyond the reach of most university groups, 
added to which there is a conflict between the generation of new 
research ideas and the need for long term maintenance and upgrades." He 
concludes that
"The Linux paradigm is exceptional. Corporations are the main 
developers of successful open source products built around their own 
strategic agenda, and peer-networked teams develop only 6% of all open 
source GIS products. This result strongly mitigates claims that open 
source software development defines a significant new 'mode of 
production'. In fact, the vast majority of substantial software design 
and development is still the product of qualified teams operating at a 
high level of interaction. Developing software in a decentralised 
manner requires a modular design that is difficult to achieve for most 
applications, since few software products can be broken into very small 
parts without a substantial increase in costs.
These results have important consequences for public policy guidance. 
Governments worldwide who try to benefit from the open source software 
model by establishing legislation mandating its use could be frustrated 
by the lack of mature, public sector applications. In order to create 
the software they need, governments will have to establish public 
funded projects for open source development and adaptation to local 
needs. Software, whether open or closed source, is still constrained by 
the essential requirements of its development process: conceptual 
design; program granularity; cohesion of the programming team and 
dissemination strategy. Failure to understand the realities of the open 
source development model could result in lost opportunity for the 
developing world: reducing the critical technological gap between rich 
and poor."

But this is a very small study in a niche area. There is no explanation 
of the history of software development in this area either. The 
conclusions are not empirically justified, but are projection and 
politically inscribed in terms of strategy themselves.

Organization: projekt

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