the Cure :: Mint Car WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
- From: Adam Moran <random>
- Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 23:48:50 +0000
Hi Listo,
Diamat wrote:
Three Tales of Madness and Destruction
I . Colours (by Shirley Hughes)
Baby blues, navy blues, blue shoes,
Blue plate, blue mug,
blue flowers in a blue jug.
And fluffy white clouds floating by
In a great big beautiful bright blue sky.
I had this card on the table and was going to play it to whoever needed
it the most (grin). It's a song about perceptional positioning using
3 versions here:
This email converges with this thread - RE: Re-Modelling Perceptual
Positioning and Processing:
<big snip>
Bateson's Double or Triple Description.
"Even when the participants within the communication loop do not agree,
their relationship is enhanced and the possibility of future cooperation
is created when they are able to shift perceptual positions occurring
within a communication loop at any time: those of me/myself (first
position), the other individual (second position), and the witnessing of
the interaction between these two (third position)."
Dilts and Delozier
</big snip>
(I and a few others certainly switched positions in our off-list
dialogue with Jonathan. There's lot's of useful stuff I'm going to try
and retrieve ... quite a few theories that should be discussed on list.)
At one point I suggested to Jonathan that to ware the color yellow at
times is a good thing especially when your instincts and your mates tell
you that all is not quite as it seems ... If you don't survive yourself,
then what good can you be to anybody else ? I got out of the dialogue
with Jonathan quick and that's no mistake ... perceptual shift second
position ... this allowed the debate to unfold uninterupted by my many
mumblings (grin).
Lots of debate which we have to find a place for ... and I think it is
metaphysics ... I hope to do more work on this over the weekend.
Any way, do you know to whom I played this song ?
To myself
... and it has had its effect ...
The news from Madrid is horror. Again we witness carnage perpetrated by
mixed-up men. Terrorism needs to be dealt with and I suggest these men
need therapy ... or it will just happen again and again and again -
This has knocked me out of my gentle slumber and made me re-in-list. The
imagined demons are yet again replaced by real ones.
Random & Pink
the *Cure* :: Mint Car
Organization: projekt