[ox-en] Fwd: Participatory Design Conference 2004 - Call for Participation
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 08:08:43 +0200
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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Registration now open.
PDC 2004
The eighth biennial Participatory Design Conference
Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices
July 27-31, 2004
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)
In cooperation with the ACM and IFIP
Academic sponsors:
Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI), University of Toronto
Faculty of Information Studies (FIS), University of Toronto
Participatory Design (PD) is a diverse collection of principles and
practices aimed at making technologies and social institutions more
responsive to human needs. A central tenet of PD is the direct
involvement of people in the co-design of the systems they use.
The Participatory Design Conferences, held every two years since 1990,
have brought together a multidisciplinary and international group of
software developers, researchers, social scientists, designers,
activists, practitioners, users, citizens, cultural workers and
managers who adopt distinctively participatory approaches in the
development of information and communication artifacts, systems,
services and technology.
Participatory design approaches have been used in traditional
application domains (such as computer systems for business, health care
and governmental) and are also relevant in emerging areas such as
web-portal design, e-government services, community networks,
enterprise resource planning, public (and other) CSCW (computer
supported cooperative work) systems, social administration & community
development, university/community partnerships, tele-health,
communities of practice and political deliberation/mobilization
(e-democracy), digital arts and design, scholarship and teaching with
mediated technologies (e-learning), the experience of a sense of place,
cultural production and cultural institutions. Other topics are the
relationship between PD approaches and the design of ICT (information
and communication technology) infrastructures such as open source
projects, standards, protocols, new media, policy, broadband and WiFi
(Wireless Fidelity) networks and the like, and how in turn they may
enable and constrain the possibilities for participation.
Participatory designers of ICT-applications may learn from, and,
hopefully contribute to, work in other fields, such as community and
organizational development, architecture, urban planning, policy
development, media, design and art, especially insofar as these fields
increasingly use ICTs.
Participatory design approaches can be applied in various social
settings such as local communities, government agencies, civil society,
NGOs, schools and universities, companies, trade unions, etc. each with
its own distinctive stakeholder arenas and power relations.
The overall theme of the 2004 conference, "Artful Integration:
Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices" describes a central
reality of participatory design. It recognizes that an essential
ingredient in design practice is the working together of multiple,
heterogeneous elements. Whereas conventional design approaches
emphasize the role of the designer and the creation of singular
"things," artful integration calls attention to the collective
interweaving of people, artifacts and processes to achieve practical,
aesthetic or emancipatory syntheses. The conference will include the
inauguration of the "Artful Integrators Award" for exemplary work in
participatory design.
Keynote speakers:
- - Dr. Tone Bratteteig (Department of Informatics, University of Oslo):
Participatory design in present society
- - Professor Reinhard Keil-Slawik (Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University
of Paderborn):
Participation in the Age of Digital Media
- - Professor Emeritus Jonathan Barker (Political Science, University of
Fearful Asymmetry: Terror, Power, and the Shape of Popular Action
First Artful Integration Award Session:
- - The first Artful Integrators Award will be presented to Randy Trigg
and the Global Fund for Women. Accepting on behalf of the GFW will be
Dr. Kavita Ramdas, who will speak on a new (participatory) model for
Research papers (only first author mentioned):
- - Johan Ivar Sæbø (Informatics, University of Oslo) Participatory
health information systems development in Cuba - the challenge of
addressing multiple levels in a centralized setting
- - Gustav Taxen (KTH, Stockholm) Introducing Participatory Design in
- - Jorn Messeter,Interactive Institute, Malmo, Facilitating Collboration
through Design Games
- - Anders Morch (University of Oslo) Workplace as Learning Laboratory:
The Winding Road to E-learning in a Norwegian Service Company
- - Magnus Irestig (Linköping University Sweden) The Impact of
Participation in Information Systems Design: A Comparison of contextual
- - Erling Bjorgvinsson (K3 Malmo University) On the spot experiments
within healthcare
- - Minna Isomursu (University of Oulu) Using Mobile Video for Concept
Evaluation and User Participation
- - Jarmo Sarkkinen (Department of CS/IS, University of Jyväskylä,
Finland) Framing Planning Discourse: A Perspective on Representing
- - Kari Rönkkö (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Ronneby, Sweden)
Personas is not Applicable: Local Remedies Interpreted in a Wider
- - Satish Puri (Norway), contextuality of participation in is design - a
developing country perspective
- - Jackie Yan-Chi Kwok (School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University) The Weight of Space: Participatory Design Research for
Configuring Habitable Space for New Arrival Women in Hong Kong
- - Ellen Balka (Simon Fraser University, Canada) Technology Trouble?
Talk to Us: Findings from an Ethnographic Field Study
- - Robert Luke (University of Toronto, Canada) The Promise and Perils of
a Participatory Approach to Developing an Open Source Community
Learning Network
- - Virginia Eubanks (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Making Sense of
Imbrication: Popular Technology and "Inside-Out" Methodologies
- - Cecelia Merkel (Penn State University) Participatory Design in
Community Computing Contexts: Tales from the Field
- - Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder) Social Creativity:
Turning Barriers into Opportunities for Collaborative Design
- - Mike Wu (University of Toronto) Participatory Design with Individuals
Who Have Amnesia
- - Anne-Marie Oostveen (NIWI-Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences) From small scale to large scale user participation
- - Rogerio DePaula (University of Colorado at Boulder) Lost In
Translation: A Critical Analysis of Actors, Artifacts, Agendas, and
Arenas in Participatory Design
- - Catherine Letondal (Institut Pasteur, France) Participatory
Programming and the Scope of Mutual Responsibility: Balancing
scientific, design and software commitment
- - Kai-Uwe Loser (University of Dortmund, Germany) Socio-technical
Walkthrough: Designing Technology along Work Processes
- - Helena Karasti (University of Oulu Finland) Artful infrastructuring
in two cases of community PD
- - Monika Buscher (Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK)
Ways of grounding imagination
- - Tutorials, Doctoral consortium (Tuesday, July 27)
- - Workshops (Wednesday, July 28)
- - Short paper session (research work in progress field experiences,
reflective practitioners, tools and techniques)
- - Art Installations, Environments, Projects, Designs, Demonstrations
Early registration (before June 15)
- - Student: US$ 85
- - CPSR member US$ 200
- - Other: US$ 300
Regular (ends July 20)
- - Student: US$ 100
- - CPSR member US$ 250
- - Other: US$ 350
On site:
- - Student: US$ 115
- - CPSR member US$ 275
- - Other: US$ 375
Fees for the tutorials are US$100 each.
Fees for the pre-conference workshops are USD 25 each.
Further information about the registration:
Information about accommodation:
The ACM SIGCHI conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS2004)
takes place August 1-4, immediately following PDC2004 in Cambridge, MA,
1 1/2 hrs by air from Toronto. More information is available at:
Conference Co-Chairs:
Andrew Clement, University of Toronto, Canada
Peter van den Besselaar, NIWI, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts
and Sciences, Netherlands
Program Co-chairs:
Fiorella de Cindio, University of Milano, Italy
Doug Schuler, The Evergreen State College, USA
Liam Bannon (Ireland), Thomas Binder (Sweden), Jeanette Blomberg (US),
Tone Bratteteig (Norway), Jacob Buur (Denmark), Debra Cash (US), Todd
Cherkasky (US), Andrew Clement (Canada), Peter Day (UK), Fiorella De
Cindio (Italy), Yvonne Dittrich (Sweden), Frank Emspak (US), Gerhard
Fischer (US), Joan Greenbaum (US), Davydd Greenwood (US), Judith
Gregory (Norway), Robert Guerra (Canada), Michael Gurstein (Canada), Bo
Helgeson (Sweden), Vidar Hepso (Norway), Finn Kensing (Denmark), Sarah
Kuhn (US), Leah Lievrow (US), Peter Mambrey (Germany), Preben Holst
Mogensen (Denmark), Gale Moore (Canada), Michael Muller (US) Julian Orr
(US), Norberto Patrignani (Italy), Volkmar Pipek (Germany), Rob Procter
(UK), Toni Robertson (Australia), Patricia Sachs (US), Partha Sarker
(Bangladesh), Doug Schuler (US), Steve Scrivener (UK), Lucy Suchman
(UK), Bettina Toerpel (Denmark), Randy Trigg (US), Peter van den
(Netherlands), Ina Wagner (Austria), and Volker Wulf (Germany).
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Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: projekt oekonux.de