Laurent Kratz from Jamendo [link missing] gave a very interesting talk
about his project. This is a business project offering Free Music on
the Web. This is done by giving a central platform to musicians where
they can hand in their album and they are published on the platform
under a Free License. The platform pays itself by ads. This works even
for CC-NC-* licenses because Jamendo uses a special contract where the
copyright holder gives Jamendo exactly this right.
The role of Jamendo is also that of a quality filter. Jamendo accepts
only complete albums including a cover.
Laurent Kratz said that for Free Music there is not a supply problem -
because there is a lot of Free Music. It is more a demand problem -
people just don't use the available Free Music. I'm sure that projects
like this help to change this.
During dinner StefanMz and I talked to Laurent Kratz. I asked him
about the quality of this Free Music. His answer was "Just listen"
|;-)| .