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Re: [ox-en] Fabbers

Hi Robert and list!

Last week (8 days ago) Robert Reed wrote:
Fabbers are here!!

That sounds really great. Here is a bigger excerpt from

  Universal manufacturing embodied as todays freeform fabrication
  systems has  like universal computers  the potential to transform
  human society to a degree that few creations ever have. The ability
  to directly fabricate functional custom objects could transform the
  way we design, make, deliver and consume products. But not less
  importantly, rapid prototyping technology has the potential to
  redefine the designer. By eliminating many of the barriers of
  resource and skill that currently prevent ordinary inventors from
  realizing their own ideas, fabbers can democratize innovation
  [1,2,3]. Ubiquitous automated manufacturing can thus open the door
  to a new class of independent designers, a marketplace of printable
  blueprints, and a new economy of custom products. Just like the
  Internet and MP3s have freed musical talent from control of big
  labels, so can widespread RP divorce technological innovation from
  the control of big corporations.

  Despite the formidable potential of rapid prototyping technology,
  its acceptance over the last two decades has remained
  disappointingly slow [4]. At present SFF systems remain very
  expensive and complex, focused on production of mechanical parts,
  and used primarily by corporate engineers, designers, and architects
  for prototyping and visualization. These factors are linked in a
  vicious cycle which slows the development of the technology: Niche
  applications imply a small demand for machines, while small demand
  for machines keeps the machines costly and complex, limiting them to
  niche applications. Alternatively, if one could provide either a
  large market for SFF machines and products or a simple and cheap SFF
  machine with which end users could invent products and applications,
  then this same feedback coupling could instead drive a rapid
  expansion in SFF technology and applications.

  Learning from the history of the computer revolution

  In attempt to break the vicious cycle of expensive equipment and
  niche applications, there are many lessons to be learned from the
  rise and growth of an equivalently universal technology: The
  computer. The parallels between universal computation technology and
  universal manufacturing technologies are astounding. Though the
  universal computer in its modern architecture was realized in the
  40s [6], two decades passed before it reached any significant
  commercial acceptance. Early inventors themselves could not foresee
  its huge potential, famously anticipating a need for as many as five
  or six machines in the US [6]. The early commercial mainframes of
  the 60s were used mostly for niche applications such as payroll and
  military calculations. Like todays rapid prototyping machines, these
  early mainframes cost tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars,
  required hours to complete a single job, had the size of a large
  refrigerator and required trained technicians to operate and

  Though it was clear to early manufacturers that the home market
  offered great potential, it was unclear how to successfully capture
  that market. Early attempts of the computer industry to break into
  the home market through niche killer apps failed miserably: Some
  brands targeted niche domains such as Honeywells kitchen Computer
  geared towards recipes (Figure a). Its high cost and narrow
  application prevented it from success. Though several other home
  computers came out in the early 70s [8], the MITS Altair 8800
  (Figure b,c) is generally credited as sparking the home computer
  revolution. Designed and sold through Popular Electronics as a $400
  kit, the Alltair 8800 broke the chicken-and-egg cycle: Hobbyists and
  experts could now afford to dabble with computers, develop and
  exchange software and numerous hardware accessory projects. The
  availability of computers made it worthwhile to write software, and
  the availability of software made it worthwhile to buy computers.
  Computer history had entered its exponential growth era.

  Based on this history, it seems reasonable to imagine a low-cost
  multi-material SFF system in ones home, which could produce objects
  or even complete integrated devices from designs which are shared or
  purchased online [3]. Should such systems become as available as
  personal computers or printers are today, the invention and
  personalization of small devices could become as ubiquitous as music
  sharing is today. MITs FabLab project [1] provides ample evidence
  that providing people with automated fabrication tools serves as an
  innovation catalyst; ordinary folk, with seemingly no technical
  background quickly learn to exploit these tools to design and
  realize new inventions. The only thing now missing is the low cost,
  hackable rapid prototyper kit.

  Goal of this project

  Inspired by this history, the goal of this project is to offer an
  open-source, low-cost, personal SFF system kit, which we call
  Fab Home. The aim of this project is to put SFF technology into the
  hands of those same curious, inventive, and entrepreneurial
  citizens. In addition, through this Wiki web site we hope to inspire
  users of Fab Home to exchange their ideas for applications and their
  improvements to the hardware and software with us and each other.
  Several machines are already in use.

						Mit Freien Grüßen


Contact: projekt

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