[ox-en] [AKI] Berlin 5, Scribd, + OSCAR et al.
- From: Karl Dietz <karl.dietz online.de>
- Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 16:23:12 +0200
for info. a few words vor dem fwd: openisis was also an open elearning
with participants from all over the world and the wiki is in english and
in spanish. berlin 5 is located in italy this year. and scribd is a
powerful tool.
nb. infos on OSCAR in ox-de
sa. http://www.keimform.de/2007/04/09/freie-software-produzieren/
enjoy. karl.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AKI] Berlin 5, Scribd, Alex Byrne, ...
Datum: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 16:14:14 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
Von: Karl Dietz <karl.dz gmail.com>
An: Internet in Bibliotheken <inetbib ub.uni-dortmund.de>,
aki-list mailman.aki-stuttgart.de
hier einige Infos, die via OpenSpace aktuell in die virtuelle Welt gingen:
[open] [isis] very small ISIS glossar
[open] [T:] Berlin 5: Consequences on Knowledge Dissemination
[open] [x-list] Infos on Scribd - via IngentaBlog
zu ISIS bzw. genauer zu OpenIsis bietet der AKI ein Wiki und eine offene Liste.
Viele Gruesse, Karl Dietz
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