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El Monday 12 November 2007 12:06:47 Raoul escribió:
Hi Graham, I cannot say if you would agree with the previous Jacques Wajnsztejn's book. I don't know enough where are your thoughts at present and the book says many things at different levels, with a language that is not always transparent. The second title of the book is "A critical presentation of the group Krisis". I could agree with some of the crititicism JW makes about Krisis, but my main divergences are about two of the central ideas of the book: "the 'evanescence' of value" and "the 'inessencialisation' of work". Raoul
Is there anyone of this JW book translated to english? -- Di Biase José Luis Blog --> [] "viaja hasta tu ideal, sembra tu flor, labra tu libertad, rega tu voz cerra tus ojos que sobra lugar en idilia para los dos" _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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