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Copyfarleft (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: Critique on "Robert Kurz * Die universelle Harry-Potter-Maschine")

On 2007-11-29 15:48, josx wrote:
Well about some issues about copyleft and artists there is a very
good text from Dmytri Kleiner "Copyfarleft and Copyjustright"

I did not find this text useful. First, here is a german translation
and a german critique of "copyfarleft":
(for the few being able to read german)

Main points of my critique are:

The text is theoretically weak. Kleiner arbitrarily mixes "work" 
and "work force", "value" and "price", "rent"(?) and "profit" (about on 
the level of Ricardo and Lasalle). He attacks copyleft, because he does 
not understand the function of copyleft. He attacks property, but not 
because he is against property, but he want to see property in workers 
hands operating the same way as capitalists do. He doesn't want to 
touch the logic of making more money from money. Thus he has no 
understanding of alienation. He doesn't want to touch exchange. Etc. 
Finally he has no understanding of what free software is. A somewhat 
radical attitude with an affirmative theoretical content behind. In no 
way comparable with oekonux.

Sorry for being so harsh.


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