Re: [ox-en] thinking about logics
- From: Till Mossakowski <Till.Mossakowski>
- Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 14:02:09 +0100
Hi Stefan,
the best and deepest text about Hegel I know is "Erfahrung des
Bewusstseins" by Hans-Juergen Krahl.
An important critique of Hegel (but not of dialectical reasoning)
is Marx' last chapter of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts
of 1844, and also in Marx' doctoral dissertation (although the
most important parts of the disseration are lost).
A recent critique of Hegel and Marx can be found at
Recht, Christine (2002) Warum mit Marx marschiert, aber schlecht Walzer
getanzt werden kann. Versuch einer Kritik der Tanzschule.[PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]/
Stefan Meretz schrieb:
On 2008-02-05 00:47, Michel Bauwens wrote:
I was wondering, so, you believe dialectical reasoning is still
valid, despite the critiques that have been levelled against it
(cornelis castoriadis comes to mind). Have you been aware of those.
There have also been various proposals to go beyond it, I remember
reading about trialectics one.
Just a general statement about this would be useful to me,
My general statement, Michel, is, that I am in the process of learning
dialectis directly from the source, namely G.F.W. Hegel (letting you
know, where I am). My experience is, that most followers -- be they
affirmative or critical -- did not get, what Hegel wants, or they
oversimplify his thinking, or both (if they read him at all). This
includes, that my thinking is even yet too simple.
If you have links to critiques, I would appreciate any hints. However, I
would favor emancipatory approaches and not backward-oriented ones. I
am sure that there must be some postmodern critiques. What I know is
this, but it says not much:
Trialectics sounds weird to me. I found something about a training
method in skiing and some esoteric stuff. Nothing that seems to be
directed to philosophical dialectics according to Hegel. And no entry
in de- or en-Wikipedia.
Till Mossakowski Cartesium, room 2.051 Phone +49-421-218-64226
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