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[ox-en] Re: What's wrong with powerful maintainers?

On Sep 17, 2008, at 8:52 AM, Michel Bauwens wrote:

The question is: why the difference, why is this so?

i got an article deleted sometime ago, it was for a LiveCD project targeted for latinamerican immigrants in Europe, the wikipedia editor said that since it hadn't "sold" more than 1000 copies it was still not relevant to have an entry in wikipedia... Someone suggested i should get a wikipedia lawyer (no joke, there are).. i got bored with all that greyish nearsightness (not sure if one can say it like that, my bad english)

if you compare backgrounds and the generational gap between FLOSS developers and wikipedia editors you will get a clear reason for why such difference...

the issue made me stop editng pages, i have no time to try to use my wikipedia account anymore for defending all my editing, as i though the project it was like a place where everyone could open a page, an article and begin editing, no limit to number of pages created and the possibility to fork and create new from old ones...but not deleting pages from others on weak uninformed "consensus".

seems i haven't got through it yet!



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