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[ox-en] Energy as Currency vs Money

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Hi folks,

Since I have engaged and embroiled many of you in the debate around P2P
Social Currency, I would like to bring the debate back to the core argument
about the new money being better than the existing money.

Here is the explanation about Energy as Currency, as define in the P2P
Social Currency model and the Existing Money:

Someone who put 10M joules into producing some product (let's call him Tom)
will get that energy back not from the person who buys the product (let's
call him John), who actually pays Tom 1,000 joule tokens for the product,
but from the person who makes the food that Tom eats and/or from the person
who provides entertainment that makes life livable for Tom and/or from
whatever producer of goods and services that makes the enables (or helps to
enable) sustainable production of XYZ by Tom, and this amounts to a
generalized exchange of energy (or outflow/inflow loop) between Tom and the
entire community, not Tom and John.

You may then wonder what's the difference between joule tokens and the
existing money, since the latter can do the same?

There is a big difference in the way the model works and in what it enable.
You can't look at just aspects of the model in isolation. The difference in
how the model works vs the current economic model is highlighted by the
following propositions (provable within the model's logic), which are each
unique to "energy as currency" (as defined in the model) and cannot be
attained as easily and as readily with the existing money/economic model:

1. Convert surplus energy, generated by peers and stored as common
inventory, to a new kind of currency (defined under this model as a
tokenizer of energy and information) having an absolute value in energy,
which does not increase or decrease over time.

2. Direct the flow of "money," as defined under this model (see: Model's
Axioms,) using the aforementioned new kind of currency, towards socially,
ecologically and environmentally intelligent producers of goods and

3. Enable a model of the economy where in order for peers to grow their
wealth (comparatively speaking) they have to share it (by lending their
money to others.) In other words, "the more you share, the more you have."

4. Enable sustainable abundance in P2P energy production and distribution,
and minimize relative mismatches in energy use within the economy as a
whole, where energy is used as both electricity and currency.

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Contact: projekt

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