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[Converted from multipart/alternative] [1 text/plain] yes I did, that's why I said I want to experience it ... before making any definite judgment ... On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin> wrote:
haha, did you read my email? sheesh Michel! A On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004> wrote:Most of your critique has to do with the legacy of pigeon holingpeople developmentally. That is not really what this is about. At all. well, that is good to hear, as it is indeed my central concern ...perhaps Iwill experience it one day ... Michel On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 2:08 AM, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin>wrote:I don't generally disagree, but "transcending and including" does not mean everyone is instantly enlightened; nor Assymetric communication still happens. Meeting in the middle is still needed. For those who require a meta-framework because they seek some clarity, this is far easier and more efficient than a lot of other options. It goes without saying that any descriptive framework comes with a load of rationalizations and other detritus, but, this one is quite a razor when used for a specific purpose. On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:04 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 gmail.comwrote:Hi Alex, I have seen Fuhs works, but to my mind it also indicates that this integral calculus is problematic, due to its very complexityThe paper is only 25 pages long. I'm struggling for opportunities to sit with people to understand how to better describe the use of it. Recommendations are welcome! Please! They are much more useful than saying that it is hard to use.And it also misses something: when we move to a more complex system,weactually re-simplify it under new encompassing rules ... in otherwords,we escape from the complexity crisis of the previous systemAgain, the old systems do not disappear. Sometimes they become less nasty or dangerous,but everyone still touches each level of complexity on their way up the ladder.It seems that the reasoning here would miss that important effectNot really. It simply demonstrates what 'inclusiveness' really means. This is not a 'system for everyone.' It touches everyone, in a descriptive way, but not everyone has the power to use it as a constructive or analytical system. When you have a bunch of self-proclaimed systems people in a room, though, one must ask about the conditions under which that group would succeed in building something. Surely talking about the same thing would be a useful thing. That's what this is for.More important, and I'm not sure how to express this,but judgingpeopleon their level of complexity doesn't really work in the practice of cooperationIt's tacit component of collaboration...self-declaration or judgement in process of approriate work, for example.... you have to take each person from their highest potential, and use group rules and norms to get there ... This is what Jorge Ferrer calls the equipotential approach .. .nobody said you couldn't do that. This isn't about fixing people at a certain place. It is about operational complexity. They are not unrelated, but they are not the same thing. it doesn't matter who is better, since we are allbetter at something, and we design the social system so that it can be expressed and become useful to the whole does mater who is better because that person teachers, often times. that's how things reach the whole. It helps to talk about the same thing. People have a deep, multi-faceted, multi-reasoned set of needs for knowing and being a part of something TOGETHER. This is a descriptive framework, much like planning out a software system, or any other system, so that a group of people can have a static accounting for perspectives present in a system. Most of your critique has to do with the legacy of pigeon holing people developmentally. That is not really what this is about. At all. However, no doubt you have been in a room sharing a brilliant idea and nobody gets it. Like, say, the theory or relativity? You know, and people are saying "so what does that have to dow ith anything?" This is a way ofunderstanding how to take the theory of relativity and tell a story that people CAN understand. By whittling down te big concepts into bite size pieces, and still not losing sight of the whole. This is often done by an elder. Maybe you know this story. There's the elder who holds on to a concept for a decade or more. He answers questions. He tells people "Oh, you are on the right track" or "Oh, that is not it, and I see where you are coming from. This, over here, is a piece, very similar to what you mentioned...see the similarity?" Those are examples of how a HUGE and complex UBER system like commons based peer production gets whittled down into all manner of incomplete reductionist doomed attempts that are, say, nonetheless pieces of the whole, however incomplete and imperfect. Integral Calculus is a tool that can be used to model how those aspects fit together and how the pieces are related, expose redundancies, and help a group to stay on track with big ambitions when details matter. Does that sound pigeon holing, or like some attempt to force people into a process, in any way? It's a tool, and yes it comes with integral baggage, but this tool is more powerful than any other systemic descriptive framework available for modeling. And, it's SUPER content values, no 'peace and justice' or 'family dynamics' claptrap in it. AlexOn Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Alex Rollin <alex.rollin> wrote:Such a way with words you have Michel! I've been thinking about writing more about levels of complexity in relations. Yesterday I was doing some reading and thinking about the Fisk references you sent. Personally I have become a huge fan of integral calculus for the representation of perspectives. When I sat and thought about Fisk I came up with the following notations. The commons or any 'thing' or 'place' is third person. The motive behind a perspective is referred to as content, and is secondary to the perspective itself. With Fisk the difference is the 'focus' of the perspective...whether it is on 'you', the 2nd person, 'me' the 1st person, or 'Us, It' the 3rd person. The "/" in an equation represents the 'privileged' or 'operating' perspective. Equality is complex, checking 3rd through 1st and 2nd. 3p(3/p)*1p(1p)*2p(1p) Rank checks 1st through 2nd. 1p(1p)*1p(2/p) Commons checks 3rd through..any. 3p(3/p)*__*__ Market checks 3rd through 2nd with 1st as Primary My profit is most important when it comes to your perspective or our perspective in all space and places 1p(1/p)*2p(1p)*3p(3p) It comes down to which is privelaged. When you add in more complexity, the equation gets longer. Peer Production, for example, might be something like: The value of my contributions from my perspective as viewed through the perspective of you my peer and a larger group of peers throughthespace of the commons and the overall project. Written as an integral calculus 'perspectival object' this is: 1p(1/p)*2nd(1p)*3rd(1p)*3p(3p) As you can see, this is a more complex perspective, as the length of the notation suggests. This is teachable as a semantic noticing practice. As we (3p(1p)) discuss any of our (3p(1p)) or my (1p(1p)) thoughts we can notice the 'way' that we are looking and see how many of these perspectives are contained within our perspective. The discussion previously got into the tribal versions of these perspectives. These perspectives gain in more and more complexity as we grow more and more developed. If you asked a Western child of 8 years about how the market works you would get a very simple perspective. Ask Franz Nahrada, though, and you will see that it is possible to include many, many actors each making contributions through the perspective and the system. Clint Fuhs has documented many thousands of perspectives, but one thing to note is that as children we are capable of 15 or so perspectives, and that as we grow older most of us are capable of exercising 1500 or more. While some forms of minimalistic expression are still useful, many of us are wrestling with ways to create and sustain complex systems,manyof which require the parallel and simultaneous operation of many complex perspectives, some at least twice as complex as this one listed about for a simple producer in a commons based peer production system. As a little exercise, let try one of the ones that we are allthinkingabout. A producer produces of his own free will goods that are destined for the commons that also have value through the marketplace to a particular consumer and the producer is deriving benefit from the rents derived from the value of goods produced for the commons insomeform of semi-direct proportional shared based on the value of his contribution relative to the value of all other contributions. 1p(1/p)*1p(1p)*3p(3p)*2p(3p)*2p(1p)*3p(1p)*3p(3p) Weee! This is a 'content-free' notation system. The objects themselves won't tell you much except the order of magnitude complexity that is at play. However, the real value of this system is not just accuracy in description, but in sharing that accuracy with a group! Looking really hard at the SAME level of complexity with a peer group. This allows a GROUP to stabilize a perspective and to exercise that perspective and to come up with a Gestalt or deeper knowing of the terrain when viewed from that perspective. This whole integral calculus thing is the invention of Ken Wilber,andwas originally developed over the course of the last 6 or 7 years in several of his published books. Clint Fuhs wrote a paper thatdetailsthe basics of the notation system for anyone interested. After working in complex process design and organizational behavior for a decade I have come to rely on this notation system as a last, first, and best resort for a very specific type of practice: figuring out exactly how complicated the operating perspective is, or can be. Once this is established, variation in scope of perspective, which is the single greatest threat to stability of perspective, can be monitored. Because outside influences are always coming inside itcannever be controlled, though. For this reason, perspectives also need to have a sort of 'graceful degradation' like code. This is why,whensome people look at p2p, they call it a regression to tribal valuesoran oversimplified gift economy. After looking a bit more they can acknowledge the power and complexity that adding in 'free will' allows. It goes on from there. In case you were wondering, in my opinion this is the most important work we might use integral calculus for. As Michel mentioned, most ages or socities will have a dominant 'mode,' and this is often a dominant or privelaged perspective. In the US, for example, this is the "I, Me, Mine" perspective. Talking about and 2nd or 3rd person persective REQUIRES processing THROUGH the 1st person perspective, including thoughts, actions, behaviors, and of course, private property. Most systems require this, and, of course, respect forfreewill would have all sophisticated perspectives processed, at least, through the 1p(1/p) which is internal thoughts and feelings of the individuals. That being said, the work at hand is to look at p2p systemicsolutionsand, through action learning, create and socialize perspectival objects that allow for all interacting levels of development to do accurate and meaningful sense-making when encountering p2p class complexity. Sincerely, Alex Rollin alex.rollin On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004> wrote:[Converted from multipart/alternative] [1 text/plain] Hi Marc, the key is to see humans as complex beings, not as inherently goodorbad, but we can design social systems that nudge the good behaviours not the bad ones peer production, and the commons work, when individual andcollectiveinterests can be aligned this is the domain of interesting contribution on that topic, from distinction made by Heb Shepard, summarized by Rosa Zubizarreta: *from the perspective of "primary mentality", 'individual' and 'group' are experienced as opposite...* in order to have a strong group, it appears that we need to 'give up' some of our individuality; conversely, to be 'individuals', it appears we need to 'distance' ourselves from the group... *in contrast, from the perspective of "secondary mentality" 'individual' and 'group' are experienced in a synergistic way*: the MORE room thereisfor people to be individual and unique and eccentric, the stronger a group we will have; conversely, the more real support i can feel from the group, the more individual and unique and eccentric i can be... Rosa Zubizarreta: "[what's crucial is] whether we are experiencing the 'two sides'[ofindividual and collective] as a 'zero-sum game', where the MOREroomthere is of one, the LESS room there can be for the other... OR instead, as a potential synergy, a 'creative tension' where the well-being of each, enhances the well-being of the other.... Herb Shepard, one of the pioneers of organization development,wroteyears ago about the distinction between what he called "primarymentality"and "secondary mentality".... from the perspective of "primary mentality", 'individual' and'group'are experienced as opposite... in order to have a strong group, it appears that we need to 'give up' some of our individuality; conversely, to be 'individuals', it appears we need to 'distance' ourselves from the group... in contrast, from the perspective of "secondary mentality" 'individual' and 'group' are experienced in a synergistic way: the MORE room thereisfor people to be individual and unique and eccentric, the stronger a group we will have; conversely, the more real support i can feel from the group, the more individual and unique and eccentric i can be... i think that what Shepard was referring to as a 'mentality'(whetherprimary or secondary) resides not just within each of us, as individuals,butalso, within a group, or culture, or social arrangement... not just in 'individual consciousness' OR in 'group structures',butin BOTH... so we as individuals, we can always discover or create ways to 'resist' structures that are organized along the lines of 'primarymentality',and, find ways to create forms of social interaction, that support 'secondary mentality".... AND, at the same time, the social forms of organization, _do_affectus... making one or another form of mentality, more likely... Our ways of talking and thinking and organizing ourselves, tend to be rooted in one or the other mentality..... i think it's also important to recognize, that these forms or structures, that embody and support these different kinds of consciousness canbe'habitual' and 'informal', rather than 'explicit/formal'... so even when a community has rejected the conventional forms of organization which could be seen as embodying primary mentality (voting, majority rules, bureaucratic structures, etc...) it's still the case, that the community will tend to have a particular 'culture', or 'way of doing things'... and that culture will not necessarily be 'secondary' since as individuals, we still tend to carry the "primary mentality" within us, even in the absence of conventional forms of organization... so the desire to 'belong', to 'get along', to 'not be excluded from the group', along with the internalized belief, that to do so, we needto'not make waves', can tend to silence a lot of potential divergence and encourage conformity to the prevailing cultural norms... (the 'groupthink' phenomenon.... i think this may connect in some way, with what Danah Boyd was pointing to, about her concern with the wikipedia community's adulation of the media...<,_with_what_Danah_Boyd_was_pointing_to,_about_her_concern_with_the_wikipedia_community%27s_adulation_of_the_media...&action=edit&redlink=1so, to whatever degree a community does _not_ have effective waysofcreating containers for divergent perspectives and ways of being, effective ways in which difference and conflict can transform into greater creativity, people will _still_, tend to experience an 'either-or', between 'being themselves', and 'being a part of the community'... even in the absence of the formal structures that embody primary mentality... this is _not_ something we can "think ourselves out of", in myview,although, theory can be helpful... we need to create, the EXPERIENCE, of "safe places for the fullness of our individuality to manifest itself, IN THE CONTEXT OF, sharedspace..."[[this is the purpose of a kind of facilitation which focuses on DIVERGENCE, not convergence, in a way that allows authentic (emergent) convergence to take place freely, of its own accord... my experience of much of conventional facilitation, is that it isonthe "reductionist collectivism" end of the spectrum...:-) ]] without alternative structures that welcome individual creativityanddivergence within a shared space, all we know is what we DON'Twant,and so we tend to throw out the formal structures that embody primary mentality (voting, majority rules, bureaucratic structures, etc.) without having anything to put in their place... as the critics of consensus and deliberation have pointed out,these"primary mentality" structures often do give SOME protection to the minority perspective. However i am NOT arguing here, in 'favor' of them... i am simply pointing out that, _without_ those formal structure ,AND, _without anything else_, to take their place, we can become even MORE vulnerable to the pull of cultural conformity that operates, generallyimplicitly,often throughinformal networks, status and influence, 'the way things are done around here', etc. etc. etc." On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:45 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi> wrote:But still, despite Michel's much appreciated view on the human psyche (the layers and all that), the theories that we construct need to work with the fact that people are inclined to do very irrationalthings.I feel that idealistic, good meaning theories, including socialism, and the commons, don't achieve that. So we need to work with that irrationality, which sometimes leadstothings like profit, scarcity enforcing currency, etc, but a good model/theory should not amplify our flawed tendencies, just recognize them and work with them. That's the point I wanted to make, notthehuman psyche itself, however it may be constructed, and no one really knows, even though some views are more enlightened than others. On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:56 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi> wrote:Well, Michel actually corrected my thinking with what I feel isanenlightening response, so re-posting here: from Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004> to marc fawzi <marc.fawzi> Hi Marc, This is a very complex subject, but I think your dichotomy istoosimplistic, i.e. irrational natural behaviour vs. rational human civilizational behaviour ... Indeed much that is 'evil' in us, does not come from the animal part, but from the human, and how it activily represses some 'naturality' (of course talking like this is in itself misleading, since the human is of course also natural). So the best ways of seeing it is are for me still theintegrativeapproaches, seeing how different levels of psychic complexitity develop on top of the other, each with a potential to repress in pathological ways, remnants of the earlier layers. This is why any human that wishes to grow, must at some point undertake a regression in the service of the ego in order to become more fully aware of these archaic sediments, and how they influence us. I think your 'rational' model also fails to see thetransrationalrequirements, which are better developed in the East, i.e. not just to master the irrational with the so-called rational mind (the western enligthenment), but also also to master the so-called rational mind, from a trans-rational, trans-mental (i.e. it looks at the mind itself, from the wordless 'witness' position) (i.e. the eastern enligthenment) I'm not in favour of radical eastern enlightenment per se (in fact, I'm opposed to it), but rather for a balanced 'householder' spirituality that is embodied in real life and socialengagement,and recognizes both archaic, rational, and transrational aspects of our selves. Michel On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:10 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi>wrote:Personally, I think it's a subjective issue. Let me explain my view. I happen to believe that there are two parts to our psyche: the rational part and the ancient animal or irrational part (greed, irrational pleasures, temptation, and most importantly 'fear', all reside there, i.e. our weaknesses) Obviously, the purpose of civilization is to tame or minimizeoreven eliminate irrational behavior but the irrational part in us is not as conditionable as the rational part, which is why war, crime and injustice continue to this day. According to latest game theory research, rational behavior in nature demands both egalitarian type cooperation as well ascompetition,not just competition or cooperation in the context of competition. However, when it comes to the irrational part, where fearreignssupreme (and is the root cause of our weakness), we don'treallyfollow evolutionary game theory as much as we should. We do follow it when we are feeling courage and when we are resourced (psychologically and physically) but when weakness creeps up (due to irrational fear of something including some of the deepest existential issues) we enter into a state of temporary irrationality, out of weakness, and with some people it becomes a homeostasis, i.e. stuck in fear. That is why the capitalist systems works (whereas socialist systems have failed thus far) even when it promotes war, crime and injustice. It feeds on our weakness. We must resist it, but we cannotdefeatit unless we rise above our weakness. At this time seeing howpeopleare today the hope I have in my own work is to understand fear and the process of gaining strength and enable a system that allows people to gain courage and abandon fear, but that is akin to askingsomeoneto change their homeostasis to a new one. It's an incredibly difficult process and there are entire libraries of books written aboutthesubject (e.g. spiritual books, religions, psychology books,selfhelp books, etc) There has to be a better way, but it can be overlooking thefactthat we are, as a civilization, still predominantly driven by fear. Marc On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius>wrote:On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:03 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi>wrote:in a true equilibrium anyone who wishes to get X number or amount ofsome good or serviceshould be able to do so at the median cost of that good or service + afixed profit 'margin'Why do you and Franz say there *must* there be a profit 'margin'? If you say "as a return for the investors", then I ask: But what if the investors (and therefore owners) are the only consumers? For in that case, there would be no profit ... but does imply there can be no production when the owner of an appletreeis the sole consumer (eats all the apples himself)? Notice the owner(s) are not required to be the worker(s) for those Means of Production. If a quadriplegic apple tree owner hired some workers to pick apples with money/tokens he earned by giving talks, he would paythosecosts as Wages, but still would not pay profit, for who would he pay it to? Sincerely, Patrick _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt Marc Fawzi Facebook: LinkedIn: Marc Fawzi Facebook: LinkedIn: Marc Fawzi Facebook: LinkedIn: _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt Working at - Volunteering at the P2P Foundation: - - Monitor updates at The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN, [2 text/html] _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt Alex I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.-Socrates-- Working at - - Volunteering at the P2P Foundation: - - Monitor updates at The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN, Alex I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.- Socrates-- Working at - - Volunteering at the P2P Foundation: - - Monitor updates at The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN, Alex I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.- Socrates
-- Working at - - Volunteering at the P2P Foundation: - - Monitor updates at The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN, [2 text/html] _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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