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[ox-en] Giftforge

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The idea : a developer community dedicated solely to the furthering of gift economy in the real world.
(The term "gift economy" is somewhat loaded, but I can't think of a better one right now)

My perception is that there an increasing number of people trying to develop sharing, recycling and other types of cooperative and giving platforms over the last few years.
As of yet, however, they seem to be doing so largely in isolation.
And, I was thinking, some sort of hub for development and discussion might be valuable in this regard.

We should try to make it easier for people to:
	1. find out about these projects (project list)
	2. participate in their development (assuming this is ok with the author) (git repositories, or something similar)
	3. engage in whatever discussions might be necessary to ensure that these efforts are successful as possible (discussion forum or mailing lists)

I have tried trawling through the list of projects on a number of times - in an attempt to establish if anyone is already working on a project similar to my own.
But it's quite time-consuming trying to find the handful of projects that might be relevant.

This proposal has been copied to . I will be revising and updating it as appropriate.

- -- 
David Collins               GPG id 646C8A43
- --
Contact: projekt

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