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Re: [ox-en] Conversation with an engineer

Hi StefanMz and all!

2 days ago Stefan Meretz wrote:
Hi StefanMn, thank you for that very interesting report!


On 2010-09-21 20:11, Stefan Merten wrote:
But I think the message is positive: If you would like to support
Selbstentfaltung of mechanical engineers bringing us closer to Free
Hardware and if you are able to program then Selbstentfalt in such

I do not understand this last paragraph: are there missing some words or 
is "Selbstentfalt" to be read as a verb?

I meant it as a verb.

Concerning the content: Why do you think, that Selbstentfaltung of 
[mechanical engineers | creative human beings] are bringing us closer to 
Free [Hardware | Society]? Do you mean this in a rather broad sense, or 
do you have some ideas about the process of evolving and transformation?

Well, probably in a broad sense.

If we think of Selbstentfaltung as one of the main drivers in existing
peer production projects and if we think of a generalization of peer
production then of course there is the question in which areas we can
identify Selbstentfaltung today, already. Selbstentfaltung is a
precondition in this sense and for me it's important to empirically
support (or reject) this precondition.

Another thing we can identify is what are the practical preconditions
for people to Selbstentfalt. In the paragraph above I identified the
availability of good Free CAD Software as one such precondition.

About the process I (still) think it is not very useful to speculate
about it. I (still) think the transition from one historical era to
another is chaotic and therefore difficult if not impossible to
predict in its concrete forms. On a coarser scale, however, from the
existing constraints and preconditions I (still) think that you can
predict where the process ends.



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