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[ox-en] Fwd: FSCONS 2010 Invitation


And here is another interesting conference...

------- Forwarded Message

Date:  Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:29:33 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
From:  Jonas_Öberg <jonas>
Subject:  FSCONS 2010 Invitation

Dear all,

I'm sorry for sending this to you unannounced, but as I was looking
through the participants list of the recent FCRC conference, I
believed that the Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit in
Gothenburg in November might also be of interest to you. I'm
forwarding an invitation here. The conference is hosted by the Society
for Free Culture and Software, and originates in a collaboration
between Creative Commons Sweden, Wikimedia Sweden and the Free
Software Foundation Europe, all of whom will be present at this years
conference too.


      Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit
      Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-7th November 2010


The Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit (FSCONS) is the Nordic
countries largest meeting place between Free Software, Free and
Digital Culture and Free Society. Gathered around a series of
interesting themes, more than 50 speakers will talk on a wide array of
topics that engage and inform.

Topics for 2010 include embedded systems, ethics, digital
infrastructure, rapid prototyping, hackerspaces, decentralised
networks, free software, forks of the free software philosophy and
social movements.

Our two keynote speakers for 2010 are Karin Kosina (AT) and Glyn Moody
(UK). Karin will speak on a project to bring micro controllers to
female artists in Syria and Glyn will talk about the Ethics of
Intellectual Monopolies.

During the conference, organisations and projects will also be
available and present their work including the Fedora Community,
Creative Commons Sweden, the Free Software Foundation Europe and the
RepRap Project.

The full program of the conference can be found on


Registration is now open at and starts at
€30 for a normal registration.

The registration includes access to all of the conference program, all
social events (including dinner during the Saturday social event) and coffee
and tea during the two conference days.

We hope to see you in Gothenburg in November!

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