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Hi Diego and all! 6 days ago Diego Saravia wrote:
The following is a modified version of a point I'm trying to make in the CSPP journal list. I reacted to a call for papers which IMHO projects too much left ideology into peer production namely Free Software.I do not see that relationship, there are people form the left and from the right in FS Movement.
This exactly matches my perception. For me this is another important reason to *not* see Free Software or other peer production as a leftist phenomenon. In fact I know many important Free Software people who very much dislike to be put into any leftist corner. I'd like leftists to accept this - and stop projecting their visions into peer production. That the actors in peer production don't fit into a scheme of the ancient regime in spe is also interesting. Though it is not a sufficient condition it is a necessary condition for being the actors of something new. Grüße Stefan
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