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Re: [ox-en] Oekonux book

  1. Evidence for a new mode of production

     * Free Software

     * Wikipedia

     * Open Access, Free Hardware, Free Music, Open Streetmap

if all examples are of the virtual kind  you cannot argue about
something extrapolable to material goods, your book cannot be used to
support the idea of a new mode of production or exchange for all kinds
off goods.

In that line the book "must" study peer production of material goods.
Non fordian industrial organisation in witch all workers split a
portion of the work assuming its own capital (non marxian explotation)
, and coordinate work via participative enabling  software (non
vertical order).  These are the two roots of the new production mode
in marxian terms.

if we fail to provide some examples of that kind, the only theoretical
new stuff under the hood is marginal cost freedom due to virtuallity.

Materialistic cooperative open source methods are where we can find
the foundations of a new production mode and not in ethical free
software, free of cost copying. (these ethical ideals are a legal
necesity in a corrupted word, but not the motor of a new era)
Contact: projekt

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