Re: [ox-en] Closing Project Oekonux down
- From: joaquin <joaquingb08>
- Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 12:10:32 +0200
Al que está muerto hay que enterrarlo, pero, como dice Marx, el peso de
los muertos gravita sobre nuestras cabezas. Puede ser que los que
discuten estén agotados, pero no el tema sobre el que lo hacen.
Socialmente sigue vivo. La wertkritik, representada principalmente ahora
por A. Jappe, después de la desgraciada muerte de Kurz, tiene claro la
poca trascendencia de las TIC, el DIY y la autogestión latinoamericana
en un eventual cambio revolucionario. Sin embargo, en España, herederos
del cyberpunk han desarrollado toda una teoría al respecto
( y una realidad práctica
( Pero lo más
importante, ante la crisis, es la necesidad de sobrevivir, de modo que
proyectos críticos minúsculos devienen importantes
( y masivos en la difusión de ideas y
técnicas que se pretenden alternativas al capitalismo y en las que la
palabra "mercado" quiere tener un significado diferente. La discusión no
está acabada. Si cerráis, deberíais publicar vuestras razones teóricas
de forma proporcional al trabajo que habéis desarrollado en estos años.
Google Translate version
When he is dead we must bury him, but, as Marx says, the weight of the
dead hangs over our heads. It may be that the disputants are exhausted,
but not the issue that they do. Socially still alive. The wertkritik,
now mainly represented by A. Jappe, after the unfortunate death of Kurz,
is clear the little importance of ICT, the DIY and self-management in a
possible Latin American revolutionary change. However, in Spain, heirs
of cyberpunk have developed a theory about ( and a
practical reality (
But more importantly, before the crisis, is the need to survive, so that
tiny critical projects become important
( and massive dissemination of ideas
and techniques seek alternatives to capitalism and in which the word
"market" wants to have a different meaning. The discussion is not over.
If you close, you should publish your theoretical reasons proportionally
to work you have developed over the years.
On 22/04/13 09:08, Stefan Merten wrote:
On the German discussion list the issue of closing down Project
Oekonux came up. The reason is that the project is sleeping for so
long now and there is nothing to believe that this is going to change
again. Although this feels heart-breaking to some people there is a
consensus that this is the right thing to do.
Of course the web-based resources need to be kept in place. Technical
details are to be discussed on the project list.
Contact: projekt