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[ox-en] Bell Mobility is tracking the locations of cellphones in Canada, Sprint will do it in the US this summer, thanks to Microsoft

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Date:    	Mon, 29 Mar 2004 17:10:00 -0600
Subject: 	[compute] Mobile location-based Web services emerge
To:      	Tom
From:    	"NW on Wireless in the Enterprise" <Wireless>
ReplyTo: 	Wireless in the Enterprise Help <NWReplies>

Today's focus:  Mobile location-based Web services emerge

In this issue:

* Who's in charge of mobile Web-services standards?
* Links related to Wireless in the Enterprise
* Featured reader resource
Today's focus:  Mobile location-based Web services emerge

By Joanie Wexler

Canada's Bell Mobility is reportedly already offering real-time 
location-tracking services based on new server software 
Microsoft released last week at the CTIA Wireless 2004 show in 
Atlanta. Sprint is expected to offer location-based services in 
the U.S. using the same software platform this summer.

The specifics of the services have yet to emerge. But they 
leverage Microsoft's MapPoint Location Server (MLS), which 
integrates real-time location information generated by mobile 
networks with mapping capabilities from the Microsoft MapPoint 
Web service.

MLS provides an API that's independent of the mobile network 
infrastructure. So both enterprise and third-party developers 
can build applications that combine real-time location 
information with new or existing business software that should 
run across any underlying cellular network technology.

Microsoft's server software is said to open up the development 
platform for mobile networks. Indeed, Microsoft announced a 
partnership last fall with worldwide network operator Vodafone 
to "build standards" for mobile Web services.

However, there is already a 65-vendor consortium working in 
tandem with worldwide standards bodies to deliver similar APIs 
of its own. The group is called The Parlay Group, and it just 
hosted a full-day developer session at the 3GSM World Congress 
last month in Cannes, France.

Microsoft was originally a founding Parlay member, but doesn't 
appear to be involved in the effort anymore - though Parlay has 
a "Web services" working group. The Parlay Group's efforts are 
not limited to wireless networks; rather, they aim to build APIs 
for integrating data applications with all network service 

Another group, the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), purports to do 
the same thing on the wireless front. Nearly two years ago, the 
OMA united a bunch of fragmented mobile standards initiatives 
into a single effort. But we haven't heard much from them 

Bottom line: Before you buy into a "standard API" that will work 
across all mobile networks do your homework. This might be one 
of those cases where multiple standards abound.


The Parlay Group

Open Mobile Alliance

WAN alliances: progress or just more noise?
Network World Wireless in the Enterprise Newsletter, 06/17/02[PHONE NUMBER REMOVED].html
To contact: Joanie Wexler

Joanie Wexler is an independent networking technology 
writer/editor in California's Silicon Valley who has spent most 
of her career analyzing trends and news in the computer 
networking industry. She welcomes your comments on the articles 
published in this newsletter, as well as your ideas for future 
article topics. Reach her at joanie
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