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[ox-en] Fwd: WOS3 newsletter 1 / 2004 - English


News from the neighbourhood.

------- Forwarded Message

Date:  Wed, 21 Apr 2004 19:04:13 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
From:  "Volker Grassmuck" <vgrass>
Subject:  [wos-announce] WOS3 newsletter  1 / 2004 - English
To:  wos-announce
Message-Id:  <4086C5AD.5898.125FE5C localhost>

1 /// a mere 50 days to go: WOS3
2 /// what it is about
3 /// a new web site for the conference
4 /// online registration available

1 /// a mere 50 days away: WOS3

A mere 50 days from now, "Wizards of OS 3 -- The Future of the
Digital Commons" [1] will open its doors at the Berlin Congress
Center [2].

For three full days, participants from all over the world will meet
in Berlin to discuss how digital networks can be the foundation of a
free digital commons - and how all of us can contribute to this goal.

Digital commons, Free Software, free networks, open archives and so
much more - those are the buzzwords all of you on this list know all
too well. But behind every one of those buzzwords, there are people
and ideas going to gather and converge during WOS3.

2 /// what it is about

There's a lot to tell you about these people and ideas already.

Eben Moglen, Professor of Law & Legal History at Columbia Law School
and General Counsel for the Free Software Foundation, will kick off
the conference with his keynote address, "'Die Gedanken Sind Frei':
Free Software and the Struggle for Free Thought". From him, we will
certainly hear a lot of inspiring thoughts on what the Free Software
revolution means to the struggle for the freedom of culture and
society in general.

Lawrence Lessig of Stanford's Center for Internet and Society will
introduce Creative Commons licenses for Germany. They will open an
easy road for creative spirits to letting others benefit from their
creations - no matter whether they are writers, musicians, or film
makers. This will be a big step toward a strong public domain in this
country. Lessig will be joined by Ronaldo Lemos of Creative Commons
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, and Till Jaeger of the German Institute for
Legal Aspects of Free and Open Source Software.

Program developers, artists, scientists, activists, and politicians
from all over the world will present and discuss projects furthering
free culture, software, archives and networks. Among them Samyeer
Metrani (in charge of software for the Simputer, Bangalore, India),
Ethan Zuckerman (Founder of Geekcorps, Boston), Federico Heinz (co-
founder of the Vía Libre Foundation, Córdoba, Argentina), Veni
Markovski (Chairman of the Board, Internet Society Bulgaria, Sofia)
and Hong Feng (president of RON's Datacom Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China).

This list could be continued, but it is only meant to serve as a
glimpse into the wide spectrum of projects included in WOS3. Current
developments, new speaker commitments and other details will appear
on the web site as soon as they happen. The lists of panels [4] and
speakers [5] is updated continuously.

3 /// a new web site for the conference

In any case it is a good idea to have a look at the conference web
site to get an overview of the program, speakers, workshops and
panels. Right now, you'll encounter some blank spaces, but as the
start of the conference approaches, we'll keep filling them in with
confirmations, round off the panels and participants' bios and
presentation materials.

This newsletter will serve as a little reminder for you that it's
worthwhile to check out the site once in a while. In order not to
clog your - certainly already on the verge of bursting - inbox, we'll
keep it to bi-monthly. We hope this is enough to keep you up to date
and rare enough not to court your resentment ;)

4 /// online registration available

Online registration for participants [6] is already available -
please get the word out!


So much for now. Please direct your remarks, criticism and other
requests concerning this newsletter to Matthias Spielkamp

"Wir sehen uns in Berlin!"
See you in Berlin!



- --
   Wizards of OS 3, 10-12 June 2004
   copy = right

wos-announce mailing list

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Organization: projekt

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