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Re: Fwd: [jox-tech] Re: Layout

Hi Mathieu!

I reply through the list since I think there are more knowledgeable

Yesterday Mathieu ONeil wrote:
Here is an attempt for the title, in two formats; hope it works out. I can't
cut it into a rectangle / right format with the software I have here (open
office), let me know if you cannot do it either, i will try to transfer it to
a different system.

The format was fine - especially since the OpenOffice format you chose
is vector based and as such can be scaled arbitrarily.

However, for the website we need a pixel image. These are the steps I

1. Export the OpenOffice graphic to PDF

2. Import the PDF into Gimp

   This is where I scaled it to a size of 651x149 pixels. 650 pixels
   is fine for the free space in the Mimbo layout. This is
   also the point where Gimp anti-aliases.

What is missing is transparency. I didn't manage to make transparency
From the anti-aliased pixels :-( . In Gimp it is easy to transform a
single color to transparency. But that doesn't suffer. This doesn't
matter much at the moment since we have white background. But this
should be fixed. For this I added a couple of relevant files and I
hope there is someone here who can add transparency the right way.

In any case the result is quite ok IMHO. I put it to the website.



Attachment: title_cspp.V2.odg
Description: OpenOffice

Attachment: title_cspp.V2.xcf
Description: Gimp

Attachment: title_cspp.V2.gif
Description: GIF

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