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[jox-tech] Plone documentation (was: Re: [jox] Re: Blanking sheet)

Hi Mathieu!

I'm rerouting this to the tech list.

Yesterday Mathieu ONeil wrote:
If you can point me to Plone doc that would be very useful, I already looked at some of course, but any help is much appreciated.

Well, then you probably found already what I'd recommend:

A good starting point is of course

Add-ons are called products in Plone and you can find an array of them

However, Plone products have *very* different degrees of usability.
Some are just some start of an idea, others are mature and working
well. Also the fast pace of Plone makes products quickly unusable
because they are built for an older Plone version. In case you really
need another product please contact me.

Please note in all cases, that we have a Plone 3 installation. Plone 4
is quite new and at the moment there are no plans for a migration.



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