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Re: [jox-tech] Editing debate page

Hi Mathieu!

Yesterday Mathieu ONeil wrote:
pps. I know you wrote an email outlining your ideas for the peer

I can't remember having done so. For some reason you seem to have a
severe misconception of my actions. I had been interested in the
*implementation* of whatever process and made that clear a couple of
times. I made clear that I wanted a foundation on which I could
implement something. You refused that and still do.

I am
tired of having to defend myself constantly.

I agree that taking responsibility is hard sometimes.

Or maybe this is just not going
to work and we will have to part ways because our ideas are too

At least as far as the implementation of a solution I did this a few
hours ago on the main list. This very mail I'm responding to added the
last piece in the puzzle. Thanks for this relief.



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