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Re: [jox-tech] Submission categories (was: Right-side navigation toolbar)

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Hi Stefan

Been overwhelmed with work, slow response. 
The suggested subcategories were for the "research" papers.
For "debate" I dont think we need so many, best would be to go back to your original suggestions for that (theory, activist?). 
In any case I think it will look better to have less categories for now, at least until there is some / more content. Right now "research" just looks very empty. 
We also need subcategories for the "reports" page... reviews, conferences, events, interviews.


----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 11:24 pm
Subject: [jox-tech] Submission categories (was: Right-side navigation toolbar)
To: journal-tech

Hi Mathieu and all!

Today Stefan Merten wrote:
6 days ago Mathieu ONeil wrote:
 I tried to add categories to the research page but 
could not
 following  your earlier instructions but did not 
succeed (or maybe
 this was just to  tag submissions?).

May be there was a misunderstanding here. I asked you to add some
entries on the submissions categories page. You did, thank you.

I changed them slightly to better fit in a technical 
environment. In
particular I replaced a space by a "-".

I also split "industry-and-ecology" into two sub categories "industry"
and "ecology". The former made no sense to me.

It would also be nice if the sub-categories could be described a bit.

Then I said that *I* have to create the respective collections 
in the
`Research` folder for the categories you created. This will 
work if
the submissions are tagged by the respective category.

Done for `Research` and for `Debate`. What we now need is to tag the
relevant submissions. So far I tagged nothing.



Dr Mathieu O'Neil
Adjunct Research Fellow
Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute
College of Arts and Social Science
The Australian National University
email: mathieu.oneil[at]

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