Re: [ox-en] Free time (was: Re: Free administration)
- From: Graham Seaman <graham>
- Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 13:05:18 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, B. Fallenstein wrote:
Reading this, I was wondering how to put this important aspect of free
software freedom and self-unfolding in a short phrase and came up with:
"Free as in free speech, but also free as in free time," suggesting that
when self-unfolding, you (try to) spend your time in the way you spend
your "free time:" doing what you enjoy doing, instead of what shows on
your payroll.
This is a picky little point away from the main issue, but is it possible
to find a replacement for the word 'self-unfolding'? It sounds bizarre
in English - I assume it means something like self-development, but it
conjures up images of a piece of paper with a clockwork mechanism inside
for me. As far as I know, this came from the choice of words by the
translator for Stefan's article. The reason for making a point of this
is I well remember other groups in the past who couldn't talk outside
to people outside their little group because they had their own
terminology which sounded like a bad translation (eg. maoists with
'we must defeat the running dogs of capitalism' (what on earth IS
a running dog?)).
Does self-development mean the same as you (or Stefan) meant by