Self-unfolding? (was: Re: [ox-en] Free time)
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz>
- Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:15:08 +0100
Hi Graham and all,
Graham Seaman wrote:
>>Reading this, I was wondering how to put this important aspect of
>>free software freedom and self-unfolding in a short phrase and came
>>up with: "Free as in free speech, but also free as in free time,"
>>suggesting that
>>when self-unfolding, you (try to) spend your time in the way you
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This is a picky little point away from the main issue, but is it
> possible to find a replacement for the word 'self-unfolding'? It
> sounds bizarre in English - I assume it means something like
> self-development, but it conjures up images of a piece of paper with
> a clockwork mechanism inside for me.
What the hell is a piece of paper with a clockwork mechanism inside??
This is your "running dog" (from below)?
> As far as I know, this came from the choice of words by the
> translator for Stefan's article. The reason for making a point of this
> is I well remember other groups in the past who couldn't talk outside
> to people outside their little group because they had their own
> terminology which sounded like a bad translation (eg. maoists with
> 'we must defeat the running dogs of capitalism' (what on earth IS
> a running dog?)).
> Does self-development mean the same as you (or Stefan) meant by
> self-unfolding?
Well, in german there is a problem too. We have two words: First
"Selbstverwirklichung" which is commonly used, and second
"Selbstentfaltung" which is explicitly used in Oekonux-Context replacing
the first one. I try to explain what we found out on the german list
(sorry for my rough english, help welcome...):
In a german dictionary "Selbstverwirklichung" is translated as
"self-realization" or more psychologically "self-actualization". The
meaning is make something real or bring something into existence what I
personally want. This is a quite normal an modern way to express myself.
It is the way like Bill Gates does etc. The key point is here: I only
can come forward if others don't. My self-realization means the
restriction of the self-realization of others. If I get a job others
don't. If I capture a market-share, others don't. And so on. This is not
result of a personal defect, it is an effect of our economical and
societal (social) structure. I can't go through life than this way. In
**My assertion (get my way) neccessarily goes on costs of others.**
On the contrary to this "Selbstentfaltung" -- self-unfolding
(self-development?) -- means a completely different thing: I only can
come forward, can express myself, can be productive if others do the
same for themselfs. More sharper:
**The self-unfolding of others is a precondition of my self-unfolding.**
And vice versa. This normally is the structure in free software, because
the main topic is to do what I want to do, because it's best for me --
and at the same time: for others! (And btw: Oekonux itself is so
productive and nice, because it works in this way). This only can emerge
if a structure functions far away from scarcity and economic logics: Be
better than others to replace them, beat them on market, ... and at
least kill them physically. FS is such a self-unfolding
(self-development) structure.
Now the question of the right word. I can not decide that, I don't have
a good "english speaking feeling". My question is: Feels
"self-development" for you more like the first (...on costs...) or like
the second explanation (...precondition...)? Maybe neither nor, because
nobody else think in a way we do in Oekonux;-)
If "self-development" sound yuppie-like as self realization in new
economy, I would prefer a new unusual term e.g. self-unfolding. A new
term can be a provocation to lead one to some good questions. And it is
not out of world like the running dog metaphor, isn't it?
What do you think?
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