Re: [ox-en] Free time (was: Re: Free administration)
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz>
- Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 11:15:01 +0100
Hi Benja et al,
B. Fallenstein wrote:
>>IMHO Nadev is perfectly right here. As I tried to point out in the
>>interview, the core idea in Free Software is not the openness in
>>itself but the freedom. An open project consisting of people somehow
>>forced to work in that project has only the advantage of being
>>non-secret - which in a democratic society should be a fundamental
>>feature anyway.
> Reading this, I was wondering how to put this important aspect of
> free software freedom and self-unfolding in a short phrase and came
> up with: "Free as in free speech, but also free as in free time,"
> suggesting that when self-unfolding, you (try to) spend your time
> in the way you spend your "free time:" doing what you enjoy doing,
> instead of what shows on your payroll.
Great! A was always looking for a modification of the well known
FSF-Slogan "free as in free speech, not free as in free beer". I though
about "free as in free speech and in free beer", but that misses the
point, because free does not say anything about price. Price is another
dimension indirectly influenced by the 4 freedom's (working against
scarcity which is essential for money-making).
> Just a little thought & I'm not sure how far it can be carried, but
> I do like the sound of it. (And I do think in the context of our
> discussion, it makes sense to include self-unfolding in the meaning
> of "free," even though of course free software can be free software
> without being produced by self-unfolding.)
For me it makes sense, a lot.
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