[ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:00:14 +0200
Dear English speakers!
I'm currently preparing a short introduction to the Oekonux
discussion. It is called OEkoNuX (Oekonux Einführungskladde ohne
Nutzungsexlusion). In German an early version is already present on
It is planned to contain a collection of slides which have been
created by various people for introductory talks. It shall be both, a
collection of slides easy to put together to a complete talk tailored
for a specific audience, as well as an introduction to the Oekonux
discussion available on the web. Further plans are to make this an
OT-project so it is easy to enter new stuff and a format MagicPoint
can handle so you can put together the slides for a talk more or less
in five minutes.
Because I need exactly this in English, too, I'm currently translating
this Einführungskladde to English. Soon it'll reside under
To make this as good as possible, however, I need some additional
vocabulary or may be only make sure the vocabulary I'm using is right.
Most of this is far simpler than "self-unfolding" ;-) . Please help.
Here comes the list
Produktionsweise =?= way of production
selbstorganisiert =?= self-managed
gesellschaftlich =?= societal
I know, you usually write "social" here, but the focus is on the
society here, so I thin "societal" is more correct.
Produktivkraft =?= productive power
Klo =?= loo
"Toilet" might be the official translation but I'd like to have a
similar word to the German short and somewhat slang form of "Klo".
The dictionary presented "loo" but I don't know the word.
Mit Freien Grüßen