[ox-en] "Open Source Solutions Showcase" Week : May 27-31, 2002 (fwd)
- From: Russell McOrmond <russell flora.ca>
- Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 21:14:28 -0400 (EDT)
This is a "For Your Information" about an event happening in Ottawa,
Canada. It's always good to compare notes on these things.
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
See http://weblog.flora.ca/ for announcements, activities, and opinions
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 21:11:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Russell McOrmond <russell flora.ca>
Reply-To: cpi-ua vancouvercommunity.net
To: CANadian OPENsource Education and Research <discuss canopener.ca>
Cc: No DMCA in Canada <canada-dmca-opponents flora.org>,
Universal Access <cpi-ua vcn.bc.ca>,
Free/Open-Source Software Community Networking/Computing
<comnet-www flora.org>
Subject: [CPI-UA] "Open Source Solutions Showcase" Week : May 27-31, 2002
(Please forward)
Note: While this is a Government of Canada event, they have only
advertised it on the GoC Intranet site (Publiservice.gc.ca). I will be
making whatever information I can available via the public Internet at:
I wish to hi-light the Tuesday Morning keynote address. While space is
limited for the rest of the week, the keynote address will be happening in
a more open area that can accommodate many more people. If you are in
Ottawa, and have an interest in OpenSource software - both within and
outside of government - I recommend you attend.
Schedule of Events
"Open Source Solutions Showcase" Week
May 27-31, 2002
Located in Place du Portage, Phase III, Level 0B1 Gatineau (Hull), Quebec
Telephone: (819) 956-8905 or (819) 956-0013
Overview of "Open Source Solutions Showcase" Sessions
Public sector engagement of open source methods and software is attracting
interest for several reasons. Many business and IM/IT experts in both the
public and private sectors are stating that the use of open source methods
and software can:
* Advance the implementation of federated architecture goals, process,
standards and methodologies among departments, agencies, and their
* Facilitate the customization of information technology solutions to
business requirements.
* Improve capacity for information technology quality assurance and due
* Serve as a catalyst for practical knowledge-sharing, organizational
learning and innovation via public-private-education sector IT
* Reduce costs, increase value-for-money, and achieve faster delivery
times for certain government software investments.
* Generate a broader distribution of benefits from public sector IT
* Help to level the playing field for companies of all sizes in the
government procurement of IT development, customization, integration,
support, maintenance, and administration services.
* Increase the security of certain information technology applications
in government operations.
* Promote respect for intellectual property law, because civil servants
can rely on legal off-the-shelf open source software to open and work
with files that they receive in proprietary formats.
The "Open Source Solutions Showcase" includes speakers, panel discussions
and software demonstrations. This event will assist the identification of
business decisions related to open source methods and software in
government operations.
PART 1: Monday 27 May, 2002: Introduction to Open Source Methods and
9:00am Joseph Potvin, Manager, Enterprise Architecture, GTIS, PWGSC.
"Introduction: Why open source methods and software are
attracting interest in the public sector."
10:00am Bill St. Arnaud, Senior Director, Advanced Networks, CANARIE
"How open source is leading to major economic benefits, and is
a major driver of innovation."
11:00am Bruce Catley, Director, Architecture & Standards Directorate,
"Open standards, open source, and the Federated Architecture."
1:00pm Burns MacDonald, Executive Consultant, CGI Group Inc.
"A brief history and status report on the open source
2:00pm Eric Smith, Lawyer, Fraser, Milner, Casgrain LLP.
"A review and comparison of the major open source licenses."
2:45pm Christian S. Tacit, Lawyer, Nelligan O'Brien Payne.
"Open source IT selection issues for the public sector."
PART 2: Tuesday 28 May, 2002: Keynote and Panel Discussions
8:30am Introduction
Location: Mezzanine in the lobby of Place du Portage Phase III,
downstairs from the security desk at Tower A.
Joseph Potvin, Manager, Enterprise Architecture, Architecture &
Standards Directorate, GTIS, PWGSC.
"Towards an economic impact analysis of the use of open source
methods and software by the Government of Canada". Proposed
scope for a collaborative study.
9:00am Keynote Address
Location: Mezzanine in the lobby of Place du Portage Phase III,
downstairs from the security desk at Tower A.
Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz, Project Director, Unisys-Belgium.
Principal author of the European Commission study into the use
of open source software in the public sector.
"Open Source in the European Public Sector".
10:45am Private Sector Panel and Discussion
Location: Innovatec Seminar Room, at the base of Tower B, Place
du Portage Phase III.
"Why Open Source is Good for Business: What open source
business models are attracting the participation of large,
medium and small companies?" (20 min each)
Danese Cooper, Business Development Manager, Open Source
Program Office, SUN Microsystems
Michael Bego, President, Xandros Corporation
Russell McOrmond, Proprietor, FLORA Community Consulting
1:00pm Public Sector Panel and Discussion
Location: Innovatec Seminar Room, at the base of Tower B, Place
du Portage Phase III.
"Case studies on the costs and benefits of taking public sector
projects and infrastructure open source." (20 min each)
Glen Newton, Chair, Open Source Committee, National Research
Council (Principal Architect of Duluth, shared under the
GNU-GPL in 2000).
Joseph Potvin, Manager, Enterprise Architecture, Architecture &
Standards Directorate, GTIS (Principal Architect of OPA (Online
Proposal Appraisal), shared under the GNU-GPL in 1999 while
working at IDRC/Bellanet International Secretariat).
Will Maton, Manager, Corporate Network Systems, Communications
Research Centre, Industry Canada.
Alain Clavet, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of the Commissioner
of Official Languages. (Author of: French on the Internet: Key
to the Canadian Identity and the Knowledge Economy. March
PART 3: Wednesday 29 May, 2002. An Open Source Solutions "Show & Tell"
by staff of the Architecture & Standards Directorate, GTIS.
Tools for Public Sector Professionals
9:00am Overview of the Morning
9:15am A Choice of Package Distributions
9:30am General GUI Environments
10:00am Office Suites (Word Processors, Presentation Software,
Spreadsheets, etc.)
10:30am Break
10:45am Package (Application) Management
11:00am Windows/Linux Co-Existence/Migration
11:30am How to Get User Support for Open Source Applications
Tools for IT System Administrators
1:00pm "A Hands-On Server Installation Tutorial"
Setting up Internet Services (Apache; DNS; Binds; FTP; SMTP;
Setting up Intranet Services (NFS; NIS; Samba; Printing; DHCP;
2:30pm Eric Frisch, Manager, Lab Infrastructure, e-Government
Services, PWGSC.
"Mission critical open source tools for system network
security, administration, and performance analysis". Overview
and demo of bb4 (centralized network monitoring), ntop (traffic
profiling), snort (intrusion detection), and ACID (security
data analysis). Eric contributed the LDAP module to bb4.
PART 4: Special Topics Seminars
Thursday 30 May, 2002
9:00am Jim Elliott, Linux Advocate, IBM Canada Ltd.
"Linux and Open Source as Game Changers". IBM believes Open
Source to be a game changer on the same level that the Internet
was. We will cover why IBM believes this to be true, how
customers are using Linux, the leading Open Source operating
system today, along with a summary of IBM's commitment to Linux
and some of the myths about Linux and Open Source.
10:30am Erich Forler, Sr. Director, Product Development, Xandros
"Introducing the Xandros Desktop". This complete, easy-to-use
Linux-based desktop applications environment has been refined
and enhanced to be suitable for all computer users, and to
peacefully co-exist and inter-operate with Windows desktop and
server systems.
1:00pm Eid Eid, President & CEO, OEone Corporation.
"Leveraging the open source to deliver the next generation of
Internet devices". How and why a fully featured Internet
hardware and software platform was developed using the
open-source model to enable original equipment manufacturers to
overcome incompatibilities, to create XML-based products that
operate efficiently, effectively, and reliably.
2:30pm David Skoll, President, Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
"Examples of open source applications in the government and
private sector." This presentation will summarize the
advantages of using open-source in a variety of business
Friday 31 May, 2002
9:00am Francis Beaudet, Chief Architect, and Matthew Hately, VP
Marketing, Macadamian Corporation.
"Criteria for Evaluating Open Source versus Proprietary
Software". In this session, we will talk about our criteria for
evaluating open source versus proprietary software for
development projects. We will also walk through a real-world
example of a portal development project where we used open
source technologies (Apache, Jakarta, SLide, PostGreSQL)
10:30am Chris Dodsworth, Knowledge Exchange Service, PWGSC.
"Building on 15 years of facilitating government software
reuse". An overview of this free IM/IT knowledgeware brokerage
service's recent and planned enhancements and its proposed
proactive role as a host for and gateway to government-produced
open source software.
1:00pm Ted Jawniak, Technology Specialist, SUN Microsystems.
"SUN's Open Source Commitment". An introduction to SUN's open
source products and support services, with special attention to
the StarOffice/OpenOffice desktop suite.
2:30pm Will Maton, Manager, Corporate Network Systems, Communications
Research Centre, Industry Canada.
"Open Enterpise Architecture". A business and technical
overview of CRC's system architecture, which is based almost
entirely on open source solutions.
Select the presentations you would like to see and reserve a spot by
calling 956-0013
or e-mail ross.morris pwgsc.gc.ca
Last Updated: 2002-05-21
Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
See http://weblog.flora.ca/ for announcements, activities, and opinions
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