[ox-en] oekonux 3
- From: "Franz J. Nahrada" <f.nahrada reflex.at>
- Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 20:32:36 +0200
Graham writes
Some people from hipatia would like to come to the next oekonux conference
- but they also hope to go to the WSF India meeting january 2004, so hope
the two meetings don't coincide.
We are- in the project list- considering doing ox3 in Vienna maybe in
April, May or June 2004. No date fixed yet. No decision-making and no
council so far ;-) Just an idea. At least there is an open invitation from
University of Vienna - Dept. of Philosophy. It would be good anyway not to
rush to the decision, but keep it well - aligned with our environments.
Very complex task, indeed. Some want, for example, keep track of Austrian
Social Forum 04 - Hallein and other "musts". Good to have some inputs on
this. I also like the effect of clustering conferences in one place and
(almost) one time, that produces cross-fertilisation. Vienna seems
perfect for this one ;-)