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Re: [ox-en] * new publication * geert lovink: my first recession

Stefan Merten wrote:

Is the book online? Or at least this chapter?

No. The publisher, V2 in Rotterdam, didn't like that idea. They are small
and have to get back the money they invested in the title first. But we
agreed that I can put it online in a little while. Let's see how sales go.
Perhaps in one or two years, even earlier. Most of my writings are anyway
online, so this one is sort of an exception ( As in
the case of my two books that MIT Press published, I own the foreign rights
of My First Recession. This is extremely handy and I can recommend that to
everyone. Because of that arrangement Dark Fiber will be out in at least
seven languages. The German edition will hit the bookstores in a few weeks
time. Spanish and Romanian will be next. The Italian edition has already
been out since November last year.

Best, Geert


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