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Re: [ox-en] Re: Primacy of State

hi stefan, hi list

I.	State

Stefan Merten wrote:

Adam: Could you explain what Telos means (to you)?

the final form / shape of content ... but this misses the trick ... i'm going to have to quote aristotle again, sorry

"What grows ? Growing grows from something into something.
What then is growing ? Not that from which it arose but that to which it tends."

telos to me means "that to which it tends"

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Adam Moran wrote:

2. 	Primacy of State

First of all: What do you mean by "state"?

every community has the telos to be a state of some kind ;) - a state is a fully developed community; it is a political community

I think a GPL society will not have something
similar to a state - at least not of the kind we know now.

there is another greek word i know that describes a state which resonates this thought - it is 'eudaimonia' ('happiness' or 'human florishing') ... the telos of human action as described in aristotle's Nicomachaean Ethics

II. 	Politics

i wrote:
If the Politics of the new 'global-unfolded-community-state' is not a Politics of Class, then what is it ?

My guess is that its the Politics of Potentials; firstly the potential of the 'global-unfolded-community-state' to define and build its telos / vapor-ware, and secondly the potential of the 'unfolded-individual' to a. know how they can help out in the process, and
b. enjoy the common wealth of the state

stefan wrote:

I am not sure whether I understand what you are talking about.

Is it that you are talking about:

Last week (11 days ago) Adam Moran wrote:

what are the politics, the relationship between the 'I' and the 'We', of our new states ?


If so I think the thread on OHA/ODA are very relevant to your

ok - is OHA/ODA a name for our new politics ?



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