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[ox-en] Re: Example Telos WAS Re: Primacy of State

Hi Stefan, Hi List

Stefan Merten wrote:

Adam: Could you explain what Telos means (to you)?

Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, July 23, 2000:
End of Web Design

This article spots the 'telos' of web design in the way I understand 'telos'.

I also thinks this article is useful as it alludes to the two-fold nature of web documents, that is 'Content' and 'Form' [1]

It also gives us some insights in to the 'Historical Process' that is driving the 'final form' / 'telos' of web documents and reminds us that we are involved in this process ... though for many of us this involvement is subconscious.

[1] 'Content' and 'Form' pairs are the subject criterion of Aristotle's work. By using this ontology one should be able to track / predict the genesis of the subject criterion through to Telos.



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