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Re: [ox-en] Patents and Copyright, but what about other Exclusive Property Rights/Trademarks?

Hi Graham,

On Freitag 07 November 2003 11:23, Graham Seaman wrote:
IMO the problems with commercial Linux distributions (eg.
SUSE, RedHat) are not legal but technical

In SuSE Linux, the central installation and configuration tool 
YaST is proprietary software. It comes with a license that 
allows modification, making it look like free software to the 
inexperienced newbee, however only non-commercial redistribution 
is allowed, and only via FTP or "mailboxes" (Denglish for 
| Making YaST or works derived thereof available free of charge
| together with SUSE Linux on FTP Servers and mailboxes is
| permitted if the licences on the software are observed.

Thomas }:o{#
-- - - --
"Look! They have different music on the dance floor..."

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