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Re: Documentation Standards was Re: [ox-en] UserLinux

On Sunday 07 December 2003 05:56, Raj Mathur wrote:
I'd personally believe that the reverse would be true: the collapse is
nearer if we don't share information.  Imagine what would have
happened if Caveman Foo had told Caveman Bar, ``I know this great
method to evade  sabre-toothed tigers, but you must pay me half a
mastodon rear leg before I reveal it to you.''

well i am sure this is what happened!


"Mind you, I am not asking you to bear witness to what you believe false, 
which would be a sin, but to testify falsely to what you believe true - which 
is a virtuous act because it compensates for lack of proof of something 
that certainly exists or happened." Bishop Otto to Baudolino in Umberto Eco's 


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