[ox-en] "We Seize!" report - Tuesday
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 11:05:51 +0100
Actually there is not much to say about Tuesday. As could have been
expected the police action in the morning dominated the whole day and
so Tuesday is lost for the conference.
In the afternoon / early evening there has been a general assembly
where a dominating majority has been very much interested in
negotiations with the city council, protest actions which could be
taken, and the like. There were some people which were more interested
in having the conference because this was the reason they came to
Geneva but this played no big role.
As far as I understood the PolyMediaLab will take place in some other
space which has been made available by the city council. Day 2 of the
conference shall take place today while Day 1 is moved to tomorrow.
Mit Freien Grüßen