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Political parties? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world)

Hi Rich and all!

Last month (56 days ago) Rich Walker wrote:
The problem with lots of visions of another world, like socialisms and
Oekonux, is that most of them concern themselves with the end-state only,
as in, 'this is where we want to end up', while leaving the largest
question of them all, 'how do we get there', alone or (in the case of many
revolutionary socialists) up to the deus ex machina of some total
revolutionary event that just changes everything.

The end is easier to grasp sometimes than the way to it. That's part
of the problem. However, from the end you can at least guess what does
*not* serve as a means to this end. For instance any relying on the
exchange system.

Absolutely. This is why I suggest that we should dismiss all routes to
change that do not go through a legitimate political party with a
definite route to social transformation through electing political
animals in suits to political roles. Indeed, in Britain, the Terrorism
Act actually defines terrorism as seeking political goals outside
political parties - and we must not support terrorism...

Are you really serious on that or is that a joke? I mean if one thing
is inevitably rooted in the capitalist systems then it is political

						Mit Freien Grüßen



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