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the Meteors WAS Re: [ox-en] Some thoughts upon the GPL society

On 16-01-04 Stefan Merten wrote:

Yes, I know this does not sound sweet. But I think this is how the
world is regardless of the concrete form of society. So at least it
makes no sense to ignore this. I even think it is dangerous to ignore
these nasty things because if they can not be removed from some social
construct then they will exist in one way or the other. And for me it
is better to approach theses things openly instead of denying their
existence. The positive aspect is that if they are approached openly
then they can be discussed and changed. This is far more difficult if
they actually exist but everybody denies their existence. That is BTW
one reason why I'm so keen to discuss this topic.

... and on 19-01-04 Stefan Merten wrote:

In fact
I think capitalism is the best money based system we can think of. As
a result every system wanting to be better than capitalism needs to
abolish money - or at least make it as unimportant as religion is
today in money based societies.

I find these two statements contradictory - Watch the ships sail out of harbour, & the Bodies come floating back.

I suggest the following analysis and metaphysics:

the Meteors

Aristotle wrote it often seems that the concept provides evidence for the phenomena and that the phenomena provides evidence for the concept. ("Was wahr ist, ist vernuenftig, und was vernuenftig ist, ist whar" as Hegel puts it.)

In general any 'I' who has a concept of the Gods has connected the Gods to Heaven; they have connected the immortal with the immortal.

According to the memories that have been passed down to from 'I' to 'I', nothing seems to have changed, either in Heaven as a whole, or in part of it. Even the name seems to have been handed down from the ancients to the present time, and they assumed then what is said to this day - *The primary content of Heaven is Eternity*. Heavens primary content is something different than that of our sensuous perceptions of the material world, the earth, fire, air and water of ancient Greece - Its content is 'ether' from *thein aei*, meaning 'to run always', giving Heaven its by-name and concept, Eternity. [1]

Not once, not twice, but a thousand times have the same ideas come down to us.

If the Gods exists then what 'We' say about the content of Heaven is also true; this in turn corresponds to the sensuous perception of the 'I'.

Aristotle wrote "It is a tradition propagated by the ancients and surviving in the form of myths of later generations, that the heavingly bodies are gods and that the devine encompasses all nature. The rest was added in mythical form for the belief of the masses, as useful for the laws and for life. Thus the myths make the gods resemble man and some of the other living creatures."

Aristotle continues "If we discard the additions and hold fast only to the first, namely, the belief that the primary substance are gods, then we must consider this as having been divinely revealed, and we must hold that after all sorts of art and philosophy had, in one way or another, been invented and lost again, these opinions come down to us like relics." [2]

Epicurus, on the contrary, says:

"To all this we must add the greatest confusion of the 'I' arises from the concept that the heavenly bodies are blessed and indestructible ... and have at the same time conflicting desires and actions; the 'I' conceives some Evil according to the myths."

"As for the Meteors, we must believe that motion and position and eclipse and rising and setting and related phenomena do not originate in them owing to One ruling and ordering or having ordered, One who at the same time is supposed to posses all bliss and indestructibility. For actions do not accord to bliss, but they occur due to *causes related to weakness, fear and need*. Nor is it to be supposed that some fire-like bodies endowed with bliss arbitrarily submit to these motions. If one does not agree with this, then this contradiction itself produces the greatest confusion in our minds"

How then would Epicurus explain the Gods / Meteors ?

"Every explanation is sufficient, Only the myth must be removed. It will be removed when we observe the phenomena and draw conclusions from them concerning the invisible. We must hold fast to the appearances, the sensation. Hence analogy must be applied. In this way we can explain fear away and free ourselves from it, by showing the causes of Meteors and other things that are always happening and causing the utmost alarm to other people"

"The great number of explanations, the multitude of possibilities, should not only tranquillise our minds and remove causes for fear, but also at the same time negate the heavenly bodies their very unity, the absolute law that is always equal to itself. These heavenly bodies may behave sometimes in one way, sometimes in another; this possibility conforming to no law is the characteristic of their reality; everything in them is declared to be impermanent and unstable"

*The multitude of the explanations should at the same time remove [aufheben] the unity of the object*.

Critique of Plutarch's Polemic Against the Metaphysics of Epericurus:
1. Religious Feudalism - The Hell of the Multitude

Plutarch's view of the *polloi* / Multitude:

"In the masses, who have no fear of what comes after death, the myth-inspired hope of eternal life and the desire of being, the oldest and most powerful of all passions, produces joy and a feeling of happiness and overcomes that childish terror. Hence whoever has lost children, a wife, and friends would rather have them continue to be somewhere and continue to exist, even in hardship, than to be utterly taken away and destroyed and reduced to nothing. On the other hand, they willingly hear such expressions as 'the dying person goes somewhere else and changes his dwelling', and whatever else intimates that death is a change of the soul's dwelling, and not destruction ... and such expressions as 'he is lost' and 'he has perished' and 'he is no more' disturb them ... They hold in store for them utter death who say 'We man are born only once; one cannot be born a second time' ... For the present is of little account to them, or rather of none at all, in comparison with eternity, and they let it pass without enjoying it and neglect virtue and action, spiritless and despising themselves as creatures of the day, impermanent, and beings worth nothing to speak of. For the doctrine that 'being-with-out-sensation and being-dissolved and what has no sensation is nothing to us' does not remove the terror of death, but rather confirms it. For this is the very thing nature dreads ... the dissolution of the soul into what has neither thought nor sensation; Epicurus, by making this a scattering into emptiness and atoms, does still more destroy hope of immortality, a hope which (I would almost say) all 'I' are ready to be torn asunder by Cerabus and to carry constantly [water] into barrels [of Danaides], so that they may [only] stay in being and not be extinguished." [4]

Plutarch tells us that the desire of being is the oldest love; to be sure, the most abstract and hence oldest love is the love of the self; the love of ones 'I'. But he then surrounds this empirical 'I' with an ideal form, that is the sentiment for a loved 'I' lost / dead. To this I must add:

1. If the issue were only of love, what better place to cherished lost / dead 'I' than in our empirical 'I' and the greater 'We', the Multitude ? Why place them at a metaphysical distance, a dark-spot so to speak ?

2. That there is only one Sky / Meteors / Heaven / Eternity is evident from our senses; that these myth-inspired artifacts of eternal life have forked and are now many-fold. That each myth-script is conceptualised as a god who is the Landlord of a particular Heaven / Eternity. That these landlords are competing in divine space are supported on the ground by many 'I' with a conceptualised interest in that devine space.

We find ourselves in Religious Feudalism and this is the Hell of the Multitude.

Would you consider now the Metaphysics of Epicurus ?

"Every explanation is sufficient, Only the myth must be removed. It will be removed when we observe the phenomena and draw conclusions from them concerning the invisible. We must hold fast to the appearances, the sensation. Hence analogy must be applied. In this way we can explain fear away and free ourselves from it, by showing the causes of Meteors and other things that are always happening and causing the utmost alarm to other people"

"The great number of explanations, the multitude of possibilities, should not only tranquillise our minds and remove causes for fear, but also at the same time negate the heavenly bodies their very unity, the absolute law that is always equal to itself. These heavenly bodies may behave sometimes in one way, sometimes in another; this possibility conforming to no law is the characteristic of their reality; everything in them is declared to be impermanent and unstable"

*The multitude of the explanations should at the same time remove [aufheben] the unity of the object*.

[1] taken from *the Heavens* I
[2] taken from *the Metaphysics* XI
[3] taken from *Diogenes Laertius* X
[4] taken from *Plutarch* 1.c.

Critique of Plutarch's Polemic Against the Metaphysics of Epericurus.
2. Religious Feudalism - The Hell of the Multitude

"It's war" ... she cried, ... "It's war" ... she cried, "THIS IS WAR!"
Drop your possessions, all you simple folk,
You will fight them on the beaches ... in your underclothes,
You will thank the good lord ... for raising the union jack,
You'll watch the ships sail out of harbour, & the Bodies come floating back.
Watch the ships sail out of harbour, & the Bodies come floating back.

Islam is rising
The Christians mobilising
The world is on its elbows & knees
It's forgotten the message & worships the Creeds

But God didn't build *himself* that throne
God doesn't live in Israel or Rome
God doesn't belong to the 'yankee dollar'
God doesn't plant the bombs for Hezbollah
God doesn't even go to church
And God won't send us down to Allah to burn
No, God will remind us what we already know
That the human race is about to reap what it's sown

The world is on its elbows & knees
It's forgotten the message & worships the Creeds

:Armageddon days are here, (again) : taken from *the The* - Mind Bomb

Critique of Plutarch's Polemic Against the Metaphysics of Epericurus.
Hope in The Hell of the Multitude

My life's the disease
That could always change
With comparative ease
Just given the chance

My life is the earth
'Twixt muscle and spade
I wait for the worth
Digging for just one chance

As prospects diminish
As nightmares swell
Some pray for heaven
While we live in hell
My life's the disease
My life's the disease

If you get yours from heaven
Don't waste them
If you get yours from heaven
Don't waste them
If you get yours from heaven

*the Disease* :taken from Echo & the Bunnymen


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