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hi, Robin Green wrote:
On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 08:26:08PM -0000, Niall Douglas wrote:You should try reading the "I Ching", then come back to us.Woah there! Some of us are just too analytically-minded to understand that stuff. For us simpletons, a demonstration of relevance is necessary, otherwisewe just go around thinking "These guys are offtopic - what are they talking about??".
this stuff is off-topic and has been kept off-list mostly ... i changed to random and played a plastic paddy just to try and demonstrate to the list where a random atom can end_up in reaction ... i could have jumped to orange just as easily ... i nearly did on a anti-war list last year when folk were slagging off the british troops ... you see, i was brought_up british by british service men and had a mate/family at basara for the duration ... it was hard not to take his side on list
jumping around between the different characters has given me a headache and i'm not doing it anymore
Please try and see our point of view.
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