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V. Sasi Kumar <sasi.fsfs(:AT)> Free Software Foundation of India wrote on Tuesday , 13. September 2005 at 15:51 Uhr [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] in the English Oekonux list
The Free Software Foundation of India has represented to the Technology bodies of the Government of India that all technology developed through publicly funded research should be available to anyone free of cost so that all manufacturers will have a level playing ground as far as technology is concerned. Since the development has been publicly funded, it is only reasonable that the public gets the benefit out of it. The Government has not responded, nor has this been discussed in any other public forum. But I think this should be a first step.
I suggest we could make a short inquiry on the state of this topic across the lists and around the world. Every slight positive example (especially from Latin America) might have drastical influence on the position of governments. So it would be interesting to find out what is the state of public knowledge politics around the world - in regard to the formation of information commons that allow widespread participation in this ultimate resource. Please also include politics on Free Software, but do not limit yourself to this. I created a space for investigation. please add your observations here: I will mirror the results to the english Oekonux Wiki Franz _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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