Stefan Mertten schrieb am Dienstag, 27. September
2005 um 17:45 +0100:
When I think of an Oekonuxian perspective I find
this a bad approach
because it reintroduces the alienation of the money
system back into
Free Projects. It is the customer / boss who says
what is good and
what not. At least for software if this would be
the best way to do
things than M$ would need to have no fear of Free
Software. In other
words: The quality of things produced without this
type of alienation
is higher than with alienation.
Hi Stefan, we have shortly discussed these things
as we noticed I see that differently. maybe I
should explain:
I see that what Karel is developing is a kind of
He sets the goal and looks for people to support it.
You cannot equal that with a situation where
"the boss sets the goal".
And you can hardly compare this with a situation
"the customer sets the goal".
Frithjof Bergman has rightly called the latter the
"slavery to the market" and I think you are right by
putting it into one category with employment.
But Karels benefactors are not necessarily his
I think this makes a lot of difference.
I think that possibility should be part of an
Oekonuxian perspective....
there might be faster development if we can also
live on what we really
really want to do.
The deeper reason is that if you create a good for
nothing else than
its use value than you can create the very best
thing thinkable. This
mode of production also attracts bright engineers
because this is what
they want to do deep down in their hearts.
If you want to create something very good, and you
lack the time and resources to do it,
why should it not be logical to publish the request
Hardware development might mean prototyping,
material costs etc.
But the going gets tougher for all people. We all
experience the situation
that we do not have enough time and energy to do
what we really want. I
personally suffer from that and I would like very
much that someone would
buy me time to work even harder on the things that I
consider necessary.
So to get back to your example allow me this
question: When you
furthered the development of Ronja did you ever
think of what could
bring in (more) money? If so were there a point
where these thoughts
were more important than technical and useage
At least we can bring our theoretical troubles and
voids to a very
empirical point here. I am very eager to read Karels
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