Re: [ox-en] [Upd-discuss] Paper:"Digital property" By Sabine Nuss - Response t
- From: "Franz Nahrada" <f.nahrada>
- Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 21:21:27 +0200
Martin Hardie
on Freitag, 7. Oktober 2005 at 13:25 Uhr [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] wrote:
rival and non rival doesnt help us much at all
because 'digital' goods expand - they dont dissapate;
digaital goods become 'rivalrous' when they are branded or sent back
to us in all sorts of forms, my nokia, red hat, ... there are many
ways in which they are packaged into wholes and are sold to us and
become rivalrous
And what if I say you are completely right?
but as i said it doent get you far
these things expand, they are turned into things that create worlds
... brands valorise digital goods -
non rival and rival just goes round in circles and helps people feel
happy intheir world of copyright freedom while the economy goes on
adapting and valorising ....
you are using the distinction yourself and you are usoing it well. Rival
and nonrival in many cases is not an inherent quality of things, just an
observation about a temporary or social circumstance in which they exist.
Air might become a rival good, who knows.
of course the important question that you bring up here is how
"debranding" is part of an Open Source Strategy.
There was a time when brands were less important than qualities. You went
to the shop and bought 100 grams of tobacco out of a large container.
Traders were negociating qualities with quantities.
With the cheap and efficient reproduceability of everything, branding has
been one of the main strategies to create artificial scarcities. We know
that from pharmaceutical markets, where there often is practically no
difference between branded drugs and generika. But we know that from many
markets. Talking about your Nokia the mobile companies make damned sure
there is a different plug for each model line so you are forced to
purchase all equipnent anew.
I think one of the main achievements of Open Source Hardware is that it
will put an end to that spook. There will be exact technical details of
anything, but not necessarily a brand name.
Maybe to have no logo will become sexy one day again.
Contact: projekt
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Re: [ox-en] [Upd-discuss] Paper:"Digital property" By Sabine Nuss - Response t