Re: [ox-en] Fwd from Martin Hardie
- From: "Florian v. Samson" <fsamson>
- Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 04:10:55 +0200
Hi Marcus,
On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 02:22:39PM [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED], Markus wrote:
Hi Florian,
thx for your comments.
generally, i believe money/fees is not a bad thing but rather an essential
tool to achieve goals. todays problem with money is that for most its an
end in itself: whether its a foundation (mozilla) or a company (microsoft)
is of no relevance. the latter is at least honest about it.
"who decides on reasonable?"
the collective team beta tester (t-bt). it represents the interests which
are involved in the creation of the information
good/software/music/community output (physical product?!).
(a) Artists,
(b) user,
(c) VN People ("employees", organisers of concert etc.)
(d) open movement/source (basically IT) and -
(e) objective rationality.
t-bt decides on important economic decisions on basis of a price range
proposed by the objective, un-biased rationality fraction.
the most important expense and cost factors (e.g. membership fees, value
of vodes, remuneration of team offline members etc.) are outcome of an
internal bargaining poll of all involved interest fractions.
Basically: Why should not the ones pay, who make profit out of it?
These are distributors of the work (e.g. software), companies/people
offering commercial services for that work (software) and users making
money with the functionality of the work (software).
Taking a look at the statutes of vodes these are not mentioned:
3. Die erforderlichen materiellen Mittel sollen aufgebracht werden durch
a) Beitrittsgebühren sowie Beta Tester und Voding Mitgliedsbeiträge
b) Erträgnisse aus Veranstaltungen und anderen Diensleistungen für Mitglieder
c) Werbeeinnahmen
d) Freiwillige Spenden
e) Vermächtnisse und sonstige Zuwendungen
Putting it the other way around: Why should the ones pay, who are doing
the work?
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