Re: Business opportuities based on Free Software (was: Re: [ox-en] lovely ibm
- From: "Franz Nahrada" <f.nahrada>
- Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 10:48:31 +0200
This is a great introduction to peer production Franz! I'll mention it in
P2P News 128 and have integrated some of your arguments in the
Can you guide me to ecncyclopedia and also subscibe me to P2P news? did
not know something like this existed and maybe others on the list did not
either. Let me just remark that I until this moment did not have an idea
of the extent and the quality of the work that you are doing and I would
like to congratulate you.
By the way it is exactly this what I am missing in the Oekonux community.
Neither is there a newsletter providing us with the weekly or mothly
insight about the latest developments in FreeModes, as I use to call our
new modes of production, neither there is emphasis on cherishing and
expanding the initial work done by Stefan Merten in terms of mirroring the
"image at large" of Free Production in all spheres of human activity.
People that are just on the list without doing something together will end
up wasting their time in the way we now can observe in the German list. As
long as Oekonux had tasks, it worked well. I think it is not justified to
say "people have their tasks outside the list and here they just discuss".
It is alienating and frustrating.
Of course part of this is maintaining open community space where there an
be reflection of identity and developments.
For example, I wonder if the most important argument of my Rome speech is
I claimed that there are basically three different modes of - yes, call it
peer production (not p2p) for a moment:
1. The classical "prosumer mode", in which everybody is working basically
for themselves in using and customizing productive abilities created or
reinforced by industrial products that enable people do use "embodied
potentials" of information and automation. Alvin Toffler has discovered
that in the eighties, but only Shosanna Zuboff recently formulated that
this will result in a "copernican shift" where the value-creation in the
classical sense is replaced by the support economy.
2. The "swarm mode" in which people are loosely aggregated in doing
things, either for themselves (ebay,musicsharing) or for an external task
that uses the "least effort" way (Seti home and successors)
3. The "community mode", in which the team up in new forms of voluntary
social organisation. (classical example Free Software).
The interesting thing is that this three modes are pretty separated, but
there is a "hidden continuum" structurally connecting them, they become
"mutual enablers".
So if we explain and analyse it to the business world and ourselves in the
best way, we will be able to really "surf the third wave". And that means
being part of it, serving it, partnering with it.
Perhaps you could have a look at the entry?
I like that you twin GVs with the Hannover principles. Thats good and I
will use them.
Its pretty deplorable that one needs a password to edit, but thats the way
it is ;-)
Feel free to suggest any changes and additions. I particularly would be
interested in a bibliography to add on,
I wish I had time to do that research, maybe in summer
Are you familiar with the work of Ezio Manzini on Multi-local Societies?
no. please explain the concept!
Contact: projekt