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El Domingo 28 Mayo 2006 15:06, magius escribió:
2006/5/27, Michael Bouwens <michelsub2003>:thanks for clarifying. I encountered it first in Empire, where it has a pretty central > place,Yes, Virno and Negri are both autonomist marxists. The concept of Negri's "multitude" is strongly related to marxist "General Intellect" found in the Grundisse.
about Grundisse, someone knows where I can download Grundisse?? -- Ing. Di Biase José Luis Contactos -->[ <> - Blog] Contactos -->[ <> - Info Personal] Contactos --> Tel: +54-11-4382-9533 GnuPG Public Key: 0xF6396FCC _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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